I don't got time to talk to your flat assed face home girl...

May 20, 2008 09:26

Yesterday I was working at my other job... We were all standing around "zoning" (I like to think of it as spacing out for 4 hours). When I got a text message. Don't tell the man, I'm not supposed to have my phone on the sales floor. I check it and see that J may need to get picked up at the airport. I am currently folding infant clothing with some homegirls from the nicer parts of Richfield, if you know what I mean. I say my friend just flew in from Atlanta. one of them pipes up and says "The ATL" and I say "girl please, he's white he from atlanta" at which point work completely stopped so we could all laugh for a good 10 min. It was probably funnier in person but I think it's strange that the only gay man on the whole sales floor gets put with the sisters to fold baby clothes and sort through nursing bras.

Oh and all you women reading this. for the sake of my sanity please don't touch the clothes my store. it's like you loose all muscle function and just start stumbling around the aisles like zombies throwing clothes this way and that looking for the one top that will make you look cute. here's a clue. the shirt looks better on the hanger on the rack than it does on the floor.

To those who leave random crap in other places... bags of frozen chicken fingers don't like being left next to the diapers. DVDs belong in electronics not with the socks. Shoes should not be left behind bags of pet food. NEVER EVER leave milk next to the luggage. /rant
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