Jun 07, 2005 16:41
yO bitchess =]
blahh i havent updated iin a whilee, my computer is all ehhh =[
lol butt yahh this weekendd was funn, i <33 it.
soo friday i came home and hung outt and stuff, went online, then talkedd to kelss && she came over =D soo iit was fun. we went outsidee on skooterrs? cause yahh we're cool like that. lol then we went on my swinggss yayaa!! haha we chilled talkedd && shitt and then laturr had pizza. lol so then we were mostly on the computer talking to people, and i decided to pour whiped creamm all over her. haha soo yah then she locked me out of my effing housee? and i sprayed it like every where. ah then idkk we just hung out, poured water like all over my house, sat on my roof? lol && thenn i managed to like cutt my fucking foot open on glass AHH IT WAS EFFING GROSS =[ && i was bleeding, A LOT. ewwww =( ehh i hate it, then kelsey got glass in her foot? ahh it suckedd. lol but yahh thenn we mostly watched tvv, talkedd and went to bedd at like 12isH.
soo then sat we got up att likee 8:30. earlyy, blah. then we made plans to go to graham's gamee =] i showered && got readyy, then her mom picked us up and we went to likee this town near boston with SAM. yess it was pretty fun between the awesommee game thing that i made up on the wayy. haha im getting a BMW, kelseys getting an old beat upp car thing, and SAM IS GETTING A RYDER TRUCK. YAYA SOO AWESOME. lol wowow, so yahh we went to dunkin doughnuts, && got soda att like 10 in the morning, then went to tuftss for the game, which was fun considering i got to see my bff =] yayaa<3 lol omgg it was soo effing hott, i like died hahaa but yahh it was good, except for this retarded kid on the other team who like HIT ME IN THE HEAD WITH THE BALL! okkaa well not really but blah i was scared of him newayss lolol. soo then they won like 27 to 5 orr something idkk lol then laterr we went and got lunchh mhmmm and yah desprately tried to eat itt, lol thenn there was another gamee and ittt was even hotterr! overr 90 ehh haa so yahh they won that one too, && like as soon as it was over me and kelss left cause i had to go to this party.. which BY THE WAY WHO COMES TO A PARTY THAT ENDS AT 10 @ 9:30? ME! AHHHH! so because of this other party that my mom made me to go, && i was supposed to be at adams by 7:30, but no, i had to stay at this ehh it was soo bad, i was staning there with like thousands of people i didn't knoo, && i only saw andreaa for like an hour =[ thenn i left it like wicked late, and DIDN'T GET TO ADAMS TILL 9:30! ahh i was soo fucking pissed. there was noo point on even going, i feltt soo stupid. ah but when i FINALLY ended up getting there i just hung out with people cause i like missed everything ah. but yah then i like refused too go home, so i slept over kellys, where we eat cereal att likee 11:30, it was cool =) haha soo yahh then we mostly talkeed && went to bed at like 1ish. hmm yah in the morning her mom came in at like 9:30 and told us that daniel wanted to go swimming =] haha so we got onn bathing suits and hung in the pool andd swam for a whilee yay it was soo muchh like summer! ahh i cant wait onlyy like 10 more days of school x3 lol yah so then we came inside chilled&& stuff, then i had to go home, and to a game. again, soo hott eh, lol but thenn laterr kelss && em came over =] so yah we hung out and like wanted water balloons, finally found some && went outsidee lol soo yayaa that was funn, then idkk we chilled wanted to go swimming but blahh couldn't lol, && laterr we took emm home, thenn i went to kelseyys, went online, watched tv && stuff, had dinner saww shadyy =) yay then idk watched more tv && i went home at like 8:45, went online for a whilee. && way later went to bed.
school has been okaa i meann yahh longg && shitt but 10 dayss =D
commentt babey<33
ilu mike
&& ohh yahh new layout ideass? x3