Things here are going well. Tom and I had a conversation about his not having boobs and the frustration that brings when trying to calm Leo down. He told me that he really wants to give me a break and really wants to be a calming source for Leo (and give him a break from me-- I'm sure he gets sick of me, too). But more often than not, it ends in tears and swearing. You should hear Leo's truckermouth.
So I told Tom that I needed him to let that go because I accept my "role" for Leo, and as opposed to giving me a break, Tom's exasperation only created more anxiety for me. It's been easier for both of us to be calm with Leo's tears the past few days.
That being said, Leo does NOT fuss over nothing. Either he has gas, is overtired, hungry, or messy. And aside from the painful gas (which can last an hour) cries, all of his fits are 5 minutes long before they can be rectified.
He almost sleeps through the night, waking 2-3 times to eat. I just roll over and fall back to sleep while nursing him. Then I wake up when he's fallen asleep and we're in a little puddle because the sleeping boy lost his latch... funny.
We went for a looooong walk yesterday up Alabama Hill, through Whatcom Falls Park and around the trail to the grocery store. He kept it together for all but the last 10 minutes.
Miranda is dealing well. We are still adjusting, of course, but she has realized that patience will get her nearly everything she wants. The struggle for us now is getting her to do something WHEN and HOW she is asked to do it. i.e., Go wash your hands for dinner. "But I just..." No, there is no 'But I Just.' Drop what you're doing and Go, Wash, Now. That is a fairly trivial example. It's EVERYTHING. Get in the car. "But daddy I wanna..." Pick up your stuff. "But could I leave this here?" Time for bed. "But we didn't..." Eat your dinner (which has sat there for 15 minutes with 2 bites taken out of it). "But I'm full." So we remove her plate and she inevitably asks for food later. We haven't decided how to rectify this one between the houses...
But Mira is accepting Leo well, and listening to our direction regarding him and his well being very well. Like, she likes to get in his face and say things like, "Are you so cute? Are you a monkey? Are you my baby brother?" which is well and good-- EXCEPT that she nearly yells it at him through gritted teeth because she's so excited. And she's literally in his face. So we've told her that is too close and loud and such, and she's figuring it out. And Leo is figuring it out, too. He puts his hand up whenever she gets close to him. Ha!
Geez, I've been given the luxury of typing time, apparently...
I dyed my hair dark brown and it looks nearly black in dim light. Not what I was expecting, but it lightens over time and looks pretty good. Black hair really brings out my eyes.
My stepdad is in Seattle from Wisconsin and we are all going down to spend the weekend with him, and some time with Tom's folks and Auntie Mickey. Squash it all in. Billy drove here with his neice, Stephanie, who was about 17 when I was young, so she must be OLD now (haha). And my stepsister lives in Gold Bar, so she and her 14yo son JJ, and 6yo daughter Rosie are going to be around this weekend too. Yay! I'm so excited.
We got a free lazboy recliner last night, for the function of a rocking chair. It's enormous. It takes up most of the half of the nurfice that the futon doesn't. But it's comfy and it works really well for nursing. I still want my desk in there though. I think it will all fit if we put the desk on the East wall and the chair on the south wall next to the door. Maybe not. I dunno. Anyway, I'm going to run and take a shower while I can.