This weekend: One huge grocery shopping, one cancelled birthday party, one puking/feverish child, one excellent phone call from Grammy, one major Tom deadline fraught with software problems, one evening with my mom's sisters from WI, one photo session with the extraordinary HollieHo, one sunlit nap with the exquisite Miranda Estelle, and one quiet movie night over salmon (which I've been craving for 2-3 weeks, with none to be found under $20/#)!
One week, officially, from today. Tom and I are still trying to spin the baby from head down left, bum pointing toward my right ribs, to exactly the opposite. The left is just a general better site to start from, organs and such... and if we can get hir head off my left side I may find some relief in my left SI Joint. The other aspect is that there is a possibility of hir turning posterior (and thus, my having "back labor", which I've heard is nearly unbearable) from the current position and less of a chance from the left side. So, we are using gravity and yoga and lots of rest. (Okay, not really on the latter, but I am sleepy all the time and if I think I'm being productive then I feel better about napping... haha).
I walked all the way down the block and BACK again yesterday to go to the chiropractor, and I was exhausted when I got home. Tiff came over for dinner last night, without her boy-- whom I have NOT met yet and who was supposed to be here. We had a good time over Miso cod and berry pie. She left around 9 and Tom and I just went and crawled in bed! We chatted while I lay there with a hard belly (Braxton-Hicks contractions, aka "pre-labor" that goes on all pregnancy but is really noticeable in the later months). Yesterday was just one big contraction, it seems. And, yep, I'm having more today.
While I've had 3-4 moments that I was referring to as "contractions" over the past weekish, I am not convinced that they actually were now, because in bed last night I felt something I would consider more akin to a contraction (or, a "rush", as the midwifery community is prone to call them... "contraction" is just too technical and really, quite impersonal. They're mine so I'll call them what I want, eh?) It took a bit of concentration and breathing to get through.
Tom was suggesting all this stuff that we could do because I was having some anxiety about labor possibly starting. He asked if I wanted to read through the birthing notes and literature we have from class, I said yes but I didn't want him to leave right then, so it was decided a bit later that we would do that today instead. And then he asked if I wanted to do some yoga and I didn't know about that either... so I told him that he should decide. He opted to stay curled up around me. I was still fairly uncomfortable 10 minutes later and so he got up and supported my belly hanging off the edge of the bed (this gives me great relief) for a while and I almost fell asleep, finally.
Today, Mira has her next-to-last day of school; the last (Thursday), we get to pick her up! Yay. And then the final school party is on Friday. I really want to go to that! I hope I can.
I'm starting to realize that making curtains for the nurfice may have to wait until Grammy gets here :( I can't keep up with myself as it is, and can't rationalize the little expense for fabric right now. Also, until the birth tub goes back to its owner, I have nowhere to set up a sewing station. I'm looking forward to playing with Grammy, spending time chatting over projects and the like. Oh yeah, and the BABY! That's a project for sure.
This week:
Belly Cast
Locate a Crib Mattress and bedding, or suitable substitute
Acquire newborn diaper covers
Pack hospital Bag/finish Birth Plan
Make relaxing CDs
Finish wrapping beds
Clean out front closet
Call Kali
Fix Buick door handle (?)
Do lots of yoga
One Picture: