maybe a crazy notion, or maybe a hidden calling

Oct 31, 2004 23:12

Well here i have been in Canada for almost 2 months, and don't get me wrong, i love it and i am happier than i was a while back, but i have been doing some thinking ahead recently. now for those of you who know me well, you know that i rarely think ahead more than a week at most and usually only a day at a time. but right now, i am an english major, and still clueless as to what i would ever want to do with it that would interest me. i don't want a stuffy office job and i don't want to be a journalist or a teacher. so needless to say, i have been doing what many of my peers do. i have been questioning my choice of major, and thinking about changing it. of course the obvious next question is, "To what?" Here is where things get interesting. See, all the other ideas I have been tossing around in my head are not things i could pursue from where i am now. I would need to find myself a new university. So what have I been considering? Well, I have always had a crazy dream of being an interior decorator, but i don't know if i would ever do that, not right away anyhow. Then I was talking to my friend and coworker, Patty.

Patty is now planning to do something which a lot of my friends have done, something which i myself have considered before. Talking to her made me seriously start considering it again. Patty wanted to go out to Cali for photography school, but financially that fell through. So, she is looking to go to a good massage therapy school in Manchester, getting certified and working until she gets to a point where she can pursue her photography.

This did not sound like a horrible idea to me. There is a good demand for massage therapists now, it pays well, and it is not terribly expensive to do. Something like $7500 plus supplies. So I am toying with the crazy notion of going back to NH, working my job in Concord while taking courses in Manchester, since they are only like 15 mins apart. Plus it would be a valid reason to push me to get my license, finally. Then i could possible get a decent job i think i might enjoy. I imagine it would still leave me the free time i want to continue writing, and plus, who doesn't love a massage therapist? Those i have mentioned it to have already offered to volunteer if i need someone to practice on. hehe. So I don't know. I went online and ordered a packet of information from the school. I told my mom to look over it, as i will do myself. So we'll see if this is a crazy notion or a valid plan. If I do go through with it, i always have it to fall back on if i decide to pursue something else.

What do you guys think? Comments, please.
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