May 04, 2006 16:57
So this is strange. Tomorrow at 10am I will be DONE. That's like, what? 17 hours away. Were did this semester go? I've been studying all day and will continue to study through some of the night... with a short break for coffee and the oc with mer, leeny and kara <3. I'm going to missss them oh so very much. Good thing for technology so we can keep in tooouch. After I am done with my final tomorrow I'm going to get my major declaration sheet signed then come back and start PACKING TO LEAVE. Then I get to spend the weekend with Will, Mer and other super cool people... it'll be loads of fun. On Sunday afternoon my parents are coming and we are eating at MOE'S THEN GOING HOME! Yesss. Goodbye to Clark for the summer, can't say I will miss you as a whole... however there are definitely certain aspects and people that will be very missed. Buhbyes. Have a wonderful summer.