May 11, 2005 19:47
i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. like 300 mg. crazy pills. i'm so frustrated and tired. school is killing me. 4x5 photo is putting me so under i can't fucking breathe. i don't feel like i have control of the camera in any way, shape or form, and it's so insanely maddening. i fucking cried in my hallway today while trying to shoot film. i never do that. i have never freaked out from school before. ever. this is so new to me, this whole stress and freaking out thing. you all know how relaxed i am about everything, all the time. i don't even know myself right now. this is not me. and i want to talk to my teacher about it, but i know if i talk to him, i'm going to get all emotional and i don't want any pity or judgement.
i'm sick and tired of hearing how kickass everyone's summer vacation is going to be. i'm tired of hearing how they're all so glad to have their spectacular 3 month breaks. i have a 15 credit summer. i have class all 5 days of the week. but at least i don't have to leave my friends and live with my parents. hahaha what now bitches. i am in an incredibly salty mood right now and i cannot see myself being salt-free for another couple weeks.