Convention costumes 2010! Let's get planning!

Mar 25, 2010 08:29

It's that time again! This is going to be a quick post because I have to leave for work.

First off I think I'm only going to two conventions this year. Comic Con, of course, and Kumoricon. I was planning on Anime Expo but I'm a little broke this year and I REALLY, really, really want to make it to Kumoricon so I'm going to need all the extra money I can get.

My costumes are also going to be a little meager. I'm actually going to be making three costumes, they're just going to be very cheap and easy ones to make.

I was going to attempt a CinderAgatha (from the Christmas '08 sidestory on Girl Genius) costume for the Labyrinth Ball in LA, but that's a $500 costume, easily, even if I don't go all-out. *sigh* Maybe next year. I'll figure out something cheaper this year. Still not sure yet.

My first costume is Belz, my OC Jägermonster character. I've been wanting to do her for a while and now that I finally have a solid design, I really want to do it! Also, my boyfriend is possibly doing his own Maxim costume (with my help and possibly some of my own costume pieces) so I wanted to do something GG that was not Maxim. In the future, though, I'd like to do a Sanaa Wilhelm costume. She's my favorite character these days.

The next costume is Kaylee Frye from Firefly. Yes, I know it's been done to death, but Michael and I REALLY wanted to cosplay a Firefly couple and we could just really pull off Simon and Kaylee. Though we could also just as easily pull off Mal and Inara. Maybe in the future... Ain't I a lucky girl? My boyfriend looks like a cross between Mal and Simon. Incidentally, I look like a cross between Inara and Kaylee. We really could do either couple. Though, Michael really thinks I would make a better Kaylee, and quite frankly, Simon and Kaylee are going to be much cheaper to do.

The last one is Sarah Walker from the NBC TV show Chuck. I'll be doing her Weinerlicious outfit. Michael and I have REALLY gotten into the show and he really wants to be Chuck so I agreed to be his counterpart. I'm actually rather excited to be doing this costume. I haven't really seen any cosplay for these characters so I hope we'll be unique, but at the same time they should be fairly popular characters among the geeks. Those costumes are the best. ^_^ Popular and unique.

Anyway, it's time for work. I'll give more updates later once I get going with these.

(Also, I just noticed that all three characters are female. O_O I think that's a first for me!)

kumoricon, comic-con, cosplay

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