Jan 12, 2007 18:18
Mmmmmmm. Chicken noodle soup tastes SO good when it's cold outside.
So what's up with the weather? 90 degrees on Monday and now they're expecting 29 degrees tonight? My mom said that Fresno might even see snow over the weekend! It's only been 20 degrees there overnight.
Today it was FREEZING. Usually our apartment is nice and toasty because we're on the third floor but right now my fingers are so stiff from the cold I can barely type.
I only worked 4 hours today. Remember how I mentioned that at the end of my first training session Mickey came out and gave us our new badges and IDs? Well, I was Mickey's host today for that. We did just one quick one and that was it. I didn't even have to stay there for the full 4 hours. They pay you for 4 even if you're only clocked in for five minutes. And all I had to do was walk Mickey over to the auditorium, let the training people know we were there, help Mickey behind the curtain, hand him the baskets full of badges and IDs, then walk him back to the breakroom when we were done.
Not that my work is ever very difficult, but today was especially ridiculous. I loved it.
I also didn't have to wear a costume. I was allowed to dress in business casual adhering to the "Disney look", i.e. blouse or sweater with no crazy designs or insanely bright colors, slacks, neat hair, no big, flashy, dangly jewelry, a belt if you have belt loops, and black shoes. I also realized it's Friday today. Therefore, Biz Cas Fri. If you get the reference, you so totally rock! Imma go watch those right now...