Liek woah.

Jan 09, 2007 22:30

So I have to tell this great story I heard at work the other day. Someone was hosting Jack Sparrow and he had to leave to go on his break. This lady really wanted to see him but she got there just a little too late and he was heading backstage. She begged and pleaded with him to take a picture with her but was also being very pushy about it. He was already late and had to outright refuse (when you're on a set schedule that will get messed up if you're even five minutes late you just have to turn people down; it's part of working in the Entertainment department) so he was rather blunt with her when he just outright said, "no" and kept walking. She muttered behind his back, "Asshole." He turned around to face her directly and said, "No, pirate."

Totally made my day. I love it when they stay in character even when they're being harrassed and going on break and all that.

Oh my gosh, I just remembered I'm hosting him next Wednesday, the 17th. Whee! I hope my friend Stephen is Sparrow that day. We'll have a buttload of fun.

i love my job, work

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