Jun 08, 2005 05:58
After today I am officially passing the torch to Jamie to be president. I am really sad because this was such a great year and I don't want to go. I love my friends too much. These people at Santa Su... I don't only like them.... I really truly love them all. I have spent four of the greatest years with the greatest people, and it has to end too suddenly.
But on a lighter note, Banquet was quite awesome, and everyone looked beautiful...even the men. The Persian food was a big success and the belly dancing rocked. Presentations we're good, except for me because I am a tard, but it's all good. The decorations were b-e-a-u-tiful, and after having 20 melt downs and one heart attack, I hafta say.....IT ROCKED!!!!!
I love Mrs. A and Mz. Peggy!
I love Corinne, Rachel, Talia, Kire, Tony, Jamie, Meghan, Tyler, Both Sam's, Brit, Tina, Sabina, Ash Pie, Alisha, Kelsey, Ryan, Andrew, Jessica, Honey, Amy, Scot, Bra, Matt, Parker, Nydia, Both Josh's, Casey, Daniel, Krissy poo, and everyone. You all make my life. God Bless!
)}i{( Nakita