Sep 09, 2003 20:22 my sort of tool to vent, if you don't want to hear me vent then stop reading now, cuz here we go. So I hate it when people assume they know what is going in my life, and what happens, when in reality they don't know shit, and they try to tell me how it is, and again in reality thats not how it is at all!!! People need to shut the fuck up unless they really know the whole picture. Anyways on another note, a certain someone really is annoying the hell out of me lately...its really amazing how some people have to lie to keep their friendships with other people and through their lies, ruin other friendships, it really infuriates me. I know it must be frustrating for some people to read this journal entry because I refuse to say names, but I don't want to say names, and I am sorry if that bothers you, but thats how it is so deal with it. I also hate how some people assume that I am some stupid ditzy cheerleader, thats an airhead and has shit for brains, well fuck you, you assume that I do drugs, and party it up all the time....thats not how it is....I don't understand why you can't get your head out of your ass and get to know me better, so that you would know hmmm...maybe shes not really like that. Ok so I have raged about a few people now, and feel better...sorry I know alot of people don't like it when people complain and vent on LJ but I had to tonight. Much Love <3!