For you, there'll be no more crying. For you, the sun will be shining

Aug 27, 2004 13:49

So, I'm sure there are way more versions of Fleetwood Mac's "Songbird" than the three I've heard and loved. However, I find these three to be amazing and I don't care to hear any other attempts. There's the original, the Eva Cassidy version, and this one that Dana found and I don't know who sings it. The third one instantly calms me though, the Eva Cassidy version connects me with something beyond myself, and the original of anything always is wonderful. So ends my commentary on a great song written by Christine McFie, performed by many and adored by all.

So, the summer is officially over. Casey moved in today, Erin moved last weekend, I said good-bye to my mom and my dad reminded me yesterday that he only has one more "wake Miriam up to kiss her good-bye at 6am". I almost got teary-eyed when he said that. I definitely felt some tugs at my heart strings when I was saying good-bye to my mom, but that's b/c she was almost in tears and when she gets like that I'm affected. We shouldn't be surprised, this is the same girl who cried during Elf as well as the tv version of The Shining (at the same time as she was mercilessly making fun of it-but the tears were not from laughter as is often the case). Anyway, I'm all packed pretty much, which is shocking. I never pack until the last minute. Seriously, I have a basket of laundry to do, and that w/ my jeans are the only clothes left to pack, and I just need to get my computer and a few little things and I'm set to go.

It's interesting to me to think about where I was a year ago. I was ending my career as a Farmer Jack cashier (woohoo!). I was in the middle of "Marc and Miriam 2004". I had just spent the summer at home, without Dana or AJ for the first time ever. I was buying a whole bunch of stuff for school. I was spending all of my free time w/ Casey or Erin, usually going to movies. Then, I was at school. For the first time ever, completely away from my parents, not shuffling back and forth on weekends, not being played by one against the other (well, not as much), free to make my own rules. Really happy w/ one aspect of my life, pretty unhappy with another.

Now, look at me: I've just spent the summer at camp, in the UP, in ATL, driving every few days to Allen Park. Casey worked a lot, Erin was at camp when I was home, but I still talked to them and spent the most free time with them. Aj and Dana were gone again, but I got to see them. I got to cherish my time with them. I went cliff jumping, I went extreme off-roading, I drove to and from ATL and only slept for like 4 hours the entire time and I had none of my cds. I put in a new floor for my mom and did whatever else she wanted of me. I saw an opera with my dad, and we're making plans to see another one. I had four awesome cabins during 4 weeks of wonderful. I made new friends(Bryan, Geo), better friends(Megan), rekindled old friendships (Drew, Seth). I went to several concerts that rocked my world, got to hang out w/ a dear old summer camp friend who I met 3 years ago. I still spent a lot of money, but not exactly for school :). I've created a whole slew of new inside jokes and neurotic tendencies. I'm single, but really content with it, truly happy. I don't have to deal with empty promises, shattered expectations, deafening doubt. I know, finally, that even though they drive me crazy and might not feel the same way or understand, my family is a priority for me and I'll go to the ends of the earth for them. I finally accept that. I have amazing friends, both at home and at camp and I have amazing friends at school. Friends that I can't wait to see and spend time with again. Friends that I've called the past two nights and talked to for an hour, friends who made packages for me for camp (even if they did forget to mail them! lol), friends who are driving to Grandville as I speak to get me a blazer that's on hold at Old Navy until tonight, friends who sent out a mass email in search of an eggplant colored dress, friends who just smile and laugh when I discuss my soaps obsession, and sit and watch with me. God, I am so blessed. I am so happy. I mean, I was excited last year, I was ready, but part of me was so depressed. Granted, I know what part and why, and it's gone now. I don't need to worry about it. It's all gone and I feel as if I'm going away this year with a whole new life in front of me. That's weird, I mean, life hasn't changed that much, but it has enough.

This truly was a great summer. May was the month of late-night conversations. June and July were the months of camp and all that involves. August was the month of driving and soap operas and daughterly duties. God has such a plan for me. I don't need to worry about things b/c He'll show me the way in His time and in His way. I'm so silly, for all of the times that I have said that to myself in the past year, it's like now is the first time that I truly believe it. He's going to take care of my schedule, He's going to take care of my job, He's going to take care of my family, He's going to take care of my love life (or lack thereof), He's got it covered yo!

I'm so ready for school. I'm so ready for this year. In the immortal words of my friend, Molly Majestic, I'm ready to rumble, with the sign language signs and all. Ready to rumble, my friends, ready to rumble.
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