2009 Nationals Day 4: Friends of Figure Skating Breakfast & Mens Finals

Jan 25, 2009 21:21

Despite the massive disorganization and lack of communication on the part of United States Figure Skating, I was able to confirm my ticket on Monday -- two days before flying out here -- for this year's Friends of Figure Skating Breakfast. Anyone who donates to USFS to help local skating clubs across the country is eligible to attend, and today's attendence was the highest ever. I imagine they'll start capping off attendence soon... then again, it sounds like they need the financial support of all their fans, so why would they turn anyone away?

Last year's breakfast was more or less a free-for-all after the fans and skaters had their food. This year's event was a bit more organized (ironically, given the lead-up to it). The skaters stood at the front of the room and introduced themselves before dispersing for pictures and autographs. Then there was a raffle. Last year, I won a long-sleeved 2008 U.S. Figure Skating Championship t-shirt. This year, my name was drawn as they gave away a National Skate Week poster autographed by (2002 Olympic Gold Medalist) Sarah Hughes! And to top it off, we were told that when we present our Breakfast ticket at the U.S. Figure Skating booth in the arena, we'd receive a free autographed copy of Scott Hamilton's new book, The Great Eight!!

After breakfast, the men were practicing for their competition, which was to begin at 2:00 p.m.

Me with 2008 & 2009 National Silver Medalist Rachael Flatt

Me with 2009 National Champion Alissa Czisny

So, when I was 12 years old, the #1 thing on my List of Things To Do Before I Die was "Marry Paul Wylie." Fourteen years, one wife, and three kids later, I just don't think that's in the cards for me anymore. Alas.

Still, I'd settle for meeting him, just for a moment, if it would mean that my mom could finally let go of the regret she felt after I volunteered to sit in the odd seat we bought at the end of the arena back in 1997 while the rest of my family stayed at center ice, which is precisely where Paul Wylie came and kissed my sister on the cheek after the show. I watched from afar in sheer excitement and pure sadness.

After all this time, though, how exciting can it really be to meet Paul Wylie? What is there left to say? Nothing he hasn't heard a couple million times before, nothing that isn't cliche. At an event like this, where he doesn't compete, doesn't coach, doesn't participate, what can you do? At best, you can just ask to have your picture taken with him, thank him for his time, and walk away. And when I saw him sitting across the arena from me during the Mens practice, that's exactly what I did.

He didn't want to be bothered initially (or at all, as far as I could tell). He told me he wanted to watch the men practice, which made sense since he spent considerable time giving Jeremy Abbott some pointers leading up to Nationals. When practice was over, I pulled him aside for a photo, which I suspect he was trying to weasel out of (details available upon request), and then of course others started spotting him and so came the barrage of requests for photos and autographs. All at once, I felt bad for bothering him, and still inately selfish. After 14 years, chasing him from Green Bay to Milwaukee to St. Paul to freaking Sweden, I was finally this close and I wasn't going to give up until he explicitly said, "No photographs!"

So here it is...

I can be done now.


I trust you watched the Mens competition on live TV this afternoon, hmmmm? After Ashley Wagner's leap from 12th to 4th yesterday, I wondered if Johnny Weir could make a similar jump back onto the podium from 7th place. I just read somewhere that he had the flu. Didn't he have the flu two years ago, yet another time he didn't do so well? Should I be at all skeptical that this is his excuse when he's simply not on his game? Or is that too insensitive?

Rosalyn Sumners was seated right behind me today (and last night), and she was clearly on Jeremy Abbott's side. She and her friends/family(?) brought along a huge sign they held up as he took the ice.

Is it a coincidence that Jeremy Abbott seeks the help of Paul Wylie and then immediately wins the National Championships?

I think not.

Complete Mens Results: http://www.usfigureskating.org/leaderboard/results/34540/results.html

Pics of the Day

The sweeper girls had their work cut out for them after Ryan Bradley's Free Skate

Johnny Weir

Jeremy Abbott

While I had so many great experiences this week, I look forward to returning home. That is not to say I look forward to 5 A.M. walks to work in sub-zero temperatures. For some reason, this Nationals experience wasn't as enjoyable as St. Paul. I don't know what's different, other than perhaps the novelty of it has worn off for me - I know what to expect. I doubt I'll return next year -- Nationals is all the way out in Spokane, WA.

We'll see where the following years take us, but for now, I feel I've done all I ever wanted to do.

Thanks for reading!
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