Jan 28, 2005 22:43
ugh!! don't you just hate when you have feelings for someone and they just will not go away!! but you want them to go away soo badly that it just drives you crazy?? gah what is wrong with me!? I just feel so stupid sometimes!
so tonight turned out to be really good :)...when I thought it was going to suck
so tomorrow I'm going to the game with Bri..yay! and we haven't done anything or spent the night together in like a year so I'm so excited!
so I am not really looking forward to this week..cause for one thing I think we are getting progress reports in spanish..which could be bad and I have volleyball monday and tuesday..ugh..but we have to go help at the middle school and my sister is trying out so we can help her and stuff lol and think there was another reason I wasnt looking forward to next week but I cant remember and I'm not gonna try either lol
so I think thats all! I love you all!