Sep 09, 2005 09:53
Saw this in a bunch of journals, so I thought I'd finally steal it! :)
Look at your LJ interests list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.
Being lazy: Well, who doesn't like being lazy? I'm especially enjoying it this summer with no job or school. Too bad school is going to be taking over my life again soon. :) Makes me enjoy being lazy even more then!
Chocolate: I love chocolate. Especially Oreo chocolate. I could eat chocolate for years and not get sick of it. I don't know why. Mmm...
Cuddling: I love cuddling with Shane, because he's so warm and I just feel safe in his arms. I love cuddling with my dog, because he's my Buddy. And with stuffed animals when the aforementioned two are not around, haha. It's just nice to have someone in your arms. :)
Everwood: I'm actually not AS interested in this show as I used to be, but I still love it. The whole Ephram/Amy thing always keeps me going... and Hannah and Bright! Though... it now conflicts with Reunion, so I probably will miss much of this season. It's ok, after awhile, Ephram gets too annoying for my tastes.
Gilmore Girls: Well, this is my show! I cannot wait until Tuesday when the new season starts! I mean, seriously, this show rocks, though Rory is pissing me off so far all dropping out of Yale and such. But Luke and Loralei... !!!
Intimacy: Who doesn't like to feel loved by someone? I love being intimate with Shane, because he still has the power to give me butterflies in my stomach or make me cry on how sweet he is. It's just a good feeling, truly it is.
Laguna Beach: You know, when I first watched the show, I thought it was dumb and pointless. But then I got sucked in and now I'm hooked. I love all of the drama. Too amusing. LC is probably my favorite, and I miss Lo this season. The whole Jason/Jessica/Alex drama is getting exciting! Haha.
My Best Friend's Wedding: SUCH a good movie! I love the music in it, and it's just too funny. I've seen the movie way too many times for my own good. And it's set in Chicago, which makes me love it even more. :) I love Julia Roberts!
Newlyweds: Aww I miss this show so much! I loved watching Nick and Jess, just because Shane and I are so like them, only less rich. They are just too cute and I don't believe they will ever break up! Haha. Their kids are going to be so frickin' cute. :P
Party of Five: I miss this show too! Seriously, this was one of the better FOX shows of the 90s, along with 90210. I loved Party of Five. Jennifer Love Hewitt (Sarah) and Bailey (Scott Wolf) rocked my socks off. And Charlie (Matthew Fox) was hot. Mmm.
Relationships: Well, I love being in one, but I love all relationships (friendships too) with people. It's just nice to be social every once in awhile. It's also interesting to learn about all the different kinds of relationships and what makes them work (or not work). Yay for being a Psych nerd.
Skiing: This is a very recent addition... and I love it because one - it's something totally different than what I normally do and two - I get to spend lots of time with Shane. Plus, I love snow and I love ski lodges... and it's sorta amusing and a good workout! Plus, this winter, Shane and I are going to get season passes to go a lot... so if anyone wants to join us (*cough* Kelly *cough*), then let us know! I suck at it, but that's what makes it fun!
The Gap: I don't really shop there much anymore, but I do love their new jeans. And their commercials. Just so simple. :)
UGG boots: Ok, there are no words to describe them. They are just amazing. You can mock me for loving them, and call them UGLY, but MAN, I don't care. They are THE most comfortable things ever and perfect for me because I hate wearing socks, but they keep my feet warm! I love UGGs and will be wearing them LOTS this winter!
That's it! That was amusing!