Dec 05, 2005 22:47
i got this ingenious idea from lisey!!! (whom i miss btw. along with ali and cassie!!)
so heres the superficial list of things that i "want" the top is possibly attainable...the end is more or less..just wishes or unattainable things
**Home made gifts. i love tie blankets. and soft things. and music, and cards, and pictures, and art, and yea...basically if you made it, i would love it
**perfume: DKNY delicious
**Some movies. i have two in my collection (thanks sarah and katie). i really enjoy romeo and juliet, the leo dicaprio well as mean girls and various other movies..take a chance, i like chances
**a digital camera...even tho mine randomly started working again, it doesnt take very good pictures...i will probably buy this gift for myself
**a "dress coat"...ya know, one of those pea coat things that i've never owned, i think it would be a nice asset to my wardrobe, the big puffy light blue thing just doesnt suffice for formal attire ;)
**one of those mini usb port things for my computer...i dont think thats what its called...but its a storage thing...and its like 2 inches long...and i need one
**bare minerals eye shadows :)
**sweaters-that double for work and play!
**RENT soundtrack
**Central sweatshirts and sweatpants....i only have one...and it gets dirty fast.
**im a sucker for jewelry, usually of the earing persuasion...and if it comes in a set for 3 holes, that is superb..i like necklaces as well
**i need some hard core good lotion...they have this hemp stuff that is amazing...or something like that
**a candle warmer since we cant light candles....and our room smells like serious ass of the worst kind
**a nice relaxing break, that is not only relaxing, but fun, and goes smoothly
**To go ice skating. preferably outside. but i dont have skates, so indoors will do so i can rent them. i really want to go...:sigh:
**sledding...of course, this year = no hospital. i'm thinking that the bunch of us that went last year might need to reunite for some winter fun :)
**To still get to see my college friends that dont live by me, and the ones who do!!
**to be kissed under mistletoe.....i've always wanted that and never gotten most people cant give me this since they are girls, but a girl can dream can't she? or in the falling snow!! yup, still a hopeless romantic. hahaha
yup. i think thats it. but basically, it means thats all that i can think of. i need socks too.
im in a better state of mind today, ive been able to find some more research since last night, so its all good.
ok im done