the definition of a 'bad day'

Sep 12, 2011 14:45

The weekend started out so well- heading over to dario006 's for the usual tv and food overload. This time made special as we got ravurian over finally for his rather late birthday dinner. Having a flat full of allergy sufferers seemed a laugh a minute when it came to home cooking but Dario as always proved his unique hunter-gather skills by providing the usual lactose (and just about everything else) free icecream, even finding the chocolate flavour sainsbury's doesn't do, as well as wheat & gluten free pasta for the 'chorizo pasta hotpot' recipe we love so much. Thanks to R we have now tried corn & vegetable pasta to find it was actually really nice! Even made us feel slightly healthy before tucking into the previously mentioned icecream with warm chocolate muffins (R's were of the wheat/gluten free variety but The Boy and I stuck with the usual sainsbury's ones).

There was Doctor Who watching, various swapsies of tv shows & films to and from various harddrives (sharing is good); and much, much talking. That last bit will obviously lead R to the inevitable desire to comment... please try to resist that particular urge darling brother!

Packed R off on a train home late saturday night with the remainder of his chocolate muffins, then stayed up til past 2am watching QI, Mock The Week and Muppet Babies. Epic lie-in follwed. Quick brekkie and dessert (only icecream this time) and I left my girls with Dario and headed home. Oh forgot to mention- we put Ninja in with Elphie and Glinda as all Dario's other meece have now died and mice aren't too happy on their own. All three seemed very relaxed about sharing and the inevitable cage upheaval when all the best toys made it into one new home. The sisters seemed very happy to be back living together since they were seperated about 2 years ago as babies. Dario and I intended to share custody but as you'll find out in a minute home has become a far less inviting place recently so we've decided the meece at least will be spared and are taking up full time residence in South London with Dario.

So I arrive back home sunday afternoon and without too much boring detail, within literally 2 minutes of walking through the front door, I get yelled at, hit and thrown out of the house. Thanks Dad.

For a while there he also had hold of my house and car key but once I got them of him I got out and just sat in the car not knowing what to do. Luckily Erin came to my rescue within about 15 minutes and about 20 minutes after that we found out Dad had left the house and fucked off to Rose's so it was safe to go home.

But I found myself with nowhere to go wandering across the road to the cemetary and sitting with mum and all I could think over and over in my head was that I wished he had of died instead of her. I know I'm not supposed to think it but its pretty hard not to when the parent you're left with is the one who doesn't want you in their life at all. He'll get his wish soon enough because I'm pretty certain once he's set up with his new family I won't have either of my parents any more. Its quite some feat to make me hate myself more than I do on a regular day but he seems to have quite a talent for it and I just can't handle it anymore.

friends, family

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