
Jun 08, 2011 15:52

Had an idea for a post brewing but got distracted by artwork and jumbled up all the ideas and words I wanted to use for LJ so much I can't find them anymore. I got distracted by drawing and Photoshop-ing you see.

First I had to do a bit of a tidy up on a photo Sophie took of Nikki and Chloe doing the Wicked poster pose. As requested I got rid of the background like I had to with the Rachel/Louise one but luckily the girls posed together for this one unlike our Rach and Lou who'd needed putting together from their individual pics with Sophie as stand in. There were layers and blurring and opacity involved. It was a pain in the ass. But Sophie seemed pleased with the finish product so I guess it was worth it.

On the iPad I am currently slogging away on pippa_Stef's very late birthday drawing... She would of course happen to like people who are bloody hard to draw! It's coming along but not as quickly or easily as I'd like. Am also drawing Soph's birthday picture which is of her, me and Sam sat in the Apollo Victoria stalls at Cast Change. Sophie is drawn, I'm almost drawn (hair to finish) and then it's on to Sam.

And that's all I'm gonna write now as I'm gonna pack ip my work stuff now and head on home to see Gem, cook dinner (beef chow mein) and watch a film.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

friends, me

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