Another trip to Oz kicking off a busy few days

Mar 07, 2011 12:33

So I was day seating this morning to see one of Nikki's shows this week as she's on for 3 days. Slightly miffed that everyone else I know seems to be going Tuesday or Wednesday as a cold morning on the AV steps is so much more fun with friends. Though I did meet a lovely young couple from Holland who will now be sitting next to me this evening after some sage seating advice ;0)

Looking forward to seeing Nikki's Elphaba as it's been ages since I've caught one of her shows, but it's still a bit of a mystery as to which Glinda we'll be getting. Louise has been off sick since the middle of last week so Chloe has been on. Don't get me wrong, I thought she was really good and have high hopes on her performance getting better and better with the more stage time she gets however.... I miss Louise :0(

I'm not allowed to complain too much as Sophie made her monthly trip to London this weekend and had Chloe instead of Lou and that must kinda suck after coming all that way. Ah well, should I not be graced with the Dearman's presence tonight it will mean I'll get the very first double standby show of this new cast- Nikki and Chloe together. In the Wicked world this is a VERY big deal! All started with Grayshaw (Ashleigh Gray and Sarah Earnshaw) then we got Nikshaw (Nikki Davis Jones with Earnie) and now we have Clones... yeah I know, not quite the same but believe me after multiple attempts to mash together Davis Jones and Taylor it's workable. Also Beth and Lauren got seal of approval from Nikki for it so there can be no going back now.

So a little bit of Wicked tonight and then tomorrow more time with The Boy as we make another pilgrimage to see Ruthie Henshall. She's in Blithe Spirit, so I have been tempted to the theatre to see a play and not a musical. A very rare occurance and usually coinciding with one of my favourite actresses gracing the cast. We're even planning on seeing the new Neil LaBute play as I cannot miss the opportunity of seeing Olivia Williams on the WestEnd stage.

Wednesday I am taking Gemma out for the evening to go see Million Dollar Quartet. We were originally hoping it would be the two of us and Dad, however due to his general lack of interest in doing anything at all with either of us it was decided we'd be best off with just the two of us. Seems to be becoming the new family motto.

Then I plan many early nights at home... yeah, that'll happen!

ruthie henshall, theatre trip, wicked, louise dearman, family

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