Sep 01, 2004 19:41
The olympics are over. I'm sad! I didn't even get to see synranized swimming. It is so tragic. I watched so much of the other sports. I don't think there was a day that I didn't watch the olympics. I've been obsessed with the Olympics since I saw the 96 atl ones and I even cried when they went off. But I probably wasn't the only person. Not many people would probably admit to crying when the olympics are over, but I'm sure many do. When I was 6, I was really good at gymnastics and wanted to be in the olympics. But then I quit for a few years and I wasn't that good anymore when I started again. Now I'm excited for Torino 2006 winter olympics and Beijing 2008 summer olympics.
How is 7 hills going, everyone? I wish I could be there. Someone needs to tell me when homecoming is so I can come. I've never been to homecoming before, it's sad. It's so cool to have a football team. We beat Walnut last weekend.
I miss you all!