Apr 19, 2006 22:59
So this second job thing is a good thing I think. Not too hard just a little frustrating working with parents. Two hours a day is good. More then that would be torture. Getting home around 6:30 isn't so bad. Of course I haven't gone to Jazzercise in 3 weeks now.. so I need to work that back in. Ugh... I just dunno. The extra cash is nice... even if I wasn't working a second job.. with going to Jazzercise in the evenings I would still be getting home late and feeling rushed and over tired. I NEED to work out to stay healthy though. I would like a free trainer for one year please. There... I'm putting it out into the universe for consideration. I'll keep the second job and I will also have a personal trainer to help me get in myu work outs every day when it is convenient for me. I will loose 100 lbs... OK... 80 and keep it off. All in 1 year. Then the personal trainer (who you may have realized by now is an aberition) goes on to some other deserving soul in need.
OK.. that's my thought for today :o)