Apr 14, 2004 10:09
Spring Break!!!!! :)
Well so far its been pretty good ahh yes
I dont remember everything but heres a start
Thursday after school I went to Central with Jillian to watch the baseball game and I got to see the wonderful Mike Kushner who I haven't seen for a while! Amazing..and yes it was very veryy cold! Mike was a tres excellent pitcher and they won like 12 to 2 or something?! hah
Then afterwards I had a 2 hour mass
I had to do all this stuff in it
Washing of the feet and lighting candles and all that shabang
Then went to McDonalds afterwards and yeppp don't remember the rest.
Friday I went to Michaels
We had a grand time as always playing baseball with Corey and Olivia
Then his parents went to a party nearby and we got to watch Olivia for a few hours but she fell asleep right away so we watched the Sandlot :)
My sister came in that night so she picked me up and after we ate some jello cake I left and thats allllll
Saturday I went to the mall with my sister and Tim and it was wayyyy too hot there so I didn't feel like looking around anymore so we left after a few hours and came back here and a whole bunch of people came over and it was pretty fun except I was extremely tired and they made me go get taco bell and chinease food at 11 or something hmmm but it was good
The day of the bunny
Always a good time on Easter
Had to wake up early for church
And after that extremely boring mass we went to Big Boy
Then came home and we had Easter at our house
UMMMM dont have a lot to say about thatttttt
SO Monday I went to Mikes again and we played some baseball because well its just a really fun time over there..but it was pretty cold so we went in and played Scrabble with his mom. I almost won but no she cheated and gave me 6 points instead of 12 spelled socks like SOX and got like 36 pointss oh well
Tuesday I had an appointment :( :( :(
I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this summer
July 7th actually
And the guy was telling me all these possible concequences
Very scary stuff
And I was told its worse than giving birth so mannn im not happy.
Then I went to Jillians later on
Went to the video store with Jer like always
And got Something About Mary and Uptown Girls which we didn't watch and I was all comfortable and Jillian and Mike decided it would be the best time to meet eachother halfway and give Mike his game back wowwww that was a bummer
ANYWAYS I got over it
And then we came back and ate and stuff and slept
YEAHHHHHHH and woke up this morning and went to Mikes
Played some BASEBALL hah
I love baseball
And then left an hour later
Saw Griff and E :) :) I love them!
Then I went to Jens for a half hour and got picked up
Then Mike came over and we played basketball
Tried playing PIG until CHRIS my retarded neighbor came over
Mike felt all bad for him but I just cannot stand him and told him to leave but he never listens to me
Then we played Sequence for a while and watched Pimp My Ride lol
AND he just left
Supposed to do something with Jen tomorrow! :)
Haven't seen Chels in agess mannnn its gettin bad
And that was a very very long entry and it needs to end.
The End :)