Hooter Girl in Pantyhose
Sorry my last attempt at posting did not look right, so here we are with a new edited one done properly. Such a newbie here at Live Journal and will learn it as quick as possible everyone. We love Hooter girls in pantyhose, aren't they the best? Surprisingly enough, if you ask a Hooter girl in Pantyhose, why they think men visit Hooters regularly you will get all sorts of answers, except pantyhose! Go figure.
They just came out with some new food items and it is about time. We know their food is not their best and it is refreshing to see the company is stepping it up a bit to compete with those around them. I do not care how hot the
Hooter girls in pantyhose are, if the food gets to below standards we are going to Wing House down here in Florida.
Last time adding this post I put a poll up and lost everything on it, so I am just going to ask you to leave a comment on why you go to Hooters, interested people want to know!!!!! Later.