Feb 20, 2008 08:04


To make a boring story short: The Cvs thing never worked out. I never technically worked there and..bla bla...the manager is an jerk. I have a job now as a cashier at Rocky's(this tiny pizza place down the street). The pay isn't great, but the owner is really really nice. At least I think he is. No one here can complain about my lack of job anymore! Woo!

So...i was watching GDC live and:
Too Human looks like wicked fun. Maybe i can save up for a 360, ya? They were going through the different classes you can play through in the game and it seems one of them is called a "Commando" and it specializes in firearms specifically. And since the creator mentioned something about 1 million + weapons to play around with, it sounds like something im interested in. Watching black lagoon made firearms in general 10,000x cooler in my head. ALKSDJF;ALSKDJF;SKLAJDF REVY!

I finished mushishi btw, and it was perfectly lovely. I really enjoyed it, and I'll probably try to pick up something in that same vein of "loosely connected stand-alone episodes". That format works well for me.

Lastly, but most importantly kids: Go to icanhascheezburger for your daily dose of lolcats.

P.S.(or edit whatever): This one and this one are my favorites.

P.P.S.  Last nights episode of nip/tuck was terrible.  On tragic levels. I was gonna do a whole post on how dissapointed I was but reconsidered since its the only episode I've ever seen that I disliked. IT WAS THAT BAD! Eden's storyline should NEVER be second to the crazy woman who is obsessed with Sean.  And julia has amnesia? Are you kidding? Thats so cliche it kills me.


too human, nip/tuck, mushishi, life

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