Aye, Aye. 'Tis a funny thing. ;)

Aug 17, 2005 16:21



[/random outburst kthx.]

Sorry. I'm finding it funny that--


.. It's just slightly amusing that I'm getting ^all^ these emails and comments, etc... about "DON'T BE EMO. OMGZWTF YOU CAN'T BE EMO CHEER UP. D:"

Whoah. Haha. That's fecking hilarious. You think that last post [ or even any of these posts lately ] were near emo? ... Right.

I know emo. I can DO emo. Faaaawk.. that was nowhere near emo. Dahlins, dahlins.. <3 that was one of my calm, peaceful, SERENE posts. [ Scary, huh? *wink* ]

Now that we've got straightened out...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I've failed about 1,000 more quizzes/tests. :] GO ME.

.... I'm doomed.

People piss me off. But, eh, I'll live.

I have officially dedicated my life to nothing but artartartartart. Yay art. And I have to admit - I'm pretty damngood. Not perfect, mind you.. But not bad. And nothing a little experience [ and drawing books! ] can't help. ;]

I love friends. They rock my bells.

Oh. Love is a dandy thing. ... Well, maybe not love. Maybe lust. Or maybe like. Or maybe crushes. Or maybe flirting.

... Or MAYBE just that tingletingletwirlyhairgiggleImmaloser feeling. ANYWAY. :} Perks up my mood, thassfersure. It's not like the other times. It's different, and I'm not just saying that. It's not just some "physical attraction", it's just not just some boredom.. there's actually something there. Yay.

Oh, um - Karma's gonna kick my ass soon. I'm a bitch. Oh well?

That's probably all the rambling I feel like doing right about now. I ran out of drawing paper.. ran out of room on my arm to draw.. starting to run out of room on my binder to draw, too. /; *crycry*

Tahdles, lovies. <3
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