Jan 09, 2006 14:51
I'm sleeeepppyy. Today I visited my dad at school and had lunch. I also saw my brother. Yesterday I took two naps because the night before I spent the night with my cousins, so I didn't get a ton of sleep. Anyway, I was just thinking of some things I want to happen in the near future, and they go as follows: I want the spring semester (they really should rename it to winter semester...there is hardly any spring involved) to be awesome. That's right, none of my usual winter mope-ing, or sleeping, or whatever. And I want to run. I need to run, seriously, it's like something I gotta do (when many of your good memories revolve around a certain activity like that, you know you should probably get back into it.) Ok, another thing...I want to study abroad in Rome spring semester next year. So I hope I get in. I also want to be an RA at GSP this summer, because I had a blast when I went, and it would involve living in a college-type setting over the summer minus the work. If not, I want a sweet sweet internship, but that is easier said than done. I apparently have a worthless major, no matter how well I do in it. Next, I want a Notre Dame national championship in football this upcoming season. That would put all those nay-sayers in their place. I especially hate all those ESPN.com columists who exihibit reverse racism (by saying people are racist simply bacause something bad happened to someone who is black. That is dumb.) Like, I read this entire article about how racist everyone in sports are. I think that's bullshit. I also hear that that new basketball movie is probably gonna make Kentucky look like a bunch of racist rednecks. Great. Just what I like to hear. Because since I am white and Catholic (and from a semi-southern state), I am obviously racist. Duh. I hate our stupid society. People look different, get over it, and if everyone just stops talking about it, maybe we can learn that it doesn't matter. But by bringing it up all the time, it only keeps the separation going. But seriously, you can't expect people never to make at least their first judgments based on looks. Like, if I see an ugly person I'm not really gonna wanna talk to them, as shallow as the sounds. You know it's true though. I mean, really really unfortunate. Maybe even physical deformity. But you don't go calling out the ugly person, you don't say "Hey ugly! I respect that, some of my best friends are ugly." You decide to talk to them anyway, because that's what you do, to be nice, because logically being ugly does not equal bad person. So even if you are at first put off by the ugliness, you can't just...oh, sigh. Nevermind. I am just going on and on and it doesn't even matter/make sense, and I am making myself seem like a racist, and...ugh. I don't think ugly is really a good example anyway. Just, nevermind.