Sep 16, 2003 20:57
today was good. i didnt think it would be, since i spent last night burning cds and trying to figure out exactly how add i am, instead of studying for my math test, but it was good (minus the car incident). God is on my side.
i just got a new pair of jeans and the hottest undies ever i got black and hotpink. and they r boyshort kinda but they are satin and lacy at the bottom. yay me.
i'm becoming more aware of my faults and how to fix them.
peer ministry is a great class. its practically a retreat in itself.
these are my notes from the other day...hopefully you can get something out of them, i did..
"the longest journey is the journey inwards of him who has chosen his destiny, who has started upon his quest for the source of his being"-Dag Hammaskjold
-we must look inside where there are no masks
-we must be weak to be strong, let ourselves be ministered to in order to be ministers, and make ourselves vulnerable
"For me to be a saint means to be myself"
-we are all made in God's image, which is perfect. we must all realize who we truly are and embrace that.
-look inside yourself to find the will of God
-River currents: rapids are all different undercurrents in our lives, and God will take us down the one that is best for us if we let go and let Him take control
-at the root of human nature is the desire to give ourselves away
Joy vs. Happiness: Happiness is something that an outward stimuli creates. It is temporary. Example...drinking makes you happy for a little while, but afterwords you can't get that feeling back without drinking again. joy is different. its when something causes your heart to open up and rejoice. joy is pure. happiness is getting a good grade, or getting a baby to go back to sleep by rocking it and playing with it. joy is mallory and bailey and laura buckner. joy is sitting at wayside and being engulfed by God's grace. Joy is whent you are at your best.
english we are talking about medieval stuff.
like king arthur. and his knights. one of which, is Galahad. the purest and best of all knights
ap art history. mr. beize is incredible. the second i step into that room my mind is instantly open and stimulated.
i wanted to do finger paintings. i told him that i wasnt artisticly talented. he got frustrated. technically i guess i am, i just can't draw figures.
i'm creative, just not artistic. then again having friends like courtney, mallory, heather, nick...just to name a few...make me feel inadequate.
i haven't seen any of the works in real life, unlike another lucky girl who has been everywhere.
but still, i sit in that class and am in pure awe.
&i just discovered that i might be able to make it to death cab after the football game. yay me.