Dec 07, 2007 21:39
End of the semester means crazy swamped.
Last night, I made my first screen & screenprinted (not from a thermofast screen) for the first time every. Very exciting! I still need to either find & make another screen or get a thermofast made-- but I haven't drawn or found the right image yet.
I put up the tree in my place, and it looks amazing. I HATE putting up the tree (just the tree part) but I LOVE it once it's all up..
The place is clean, except for my room-- which looks like an explosion, but it's okay.. I'm pretty excited to get to go home for break, although I'll be working at the store for most of it (Oy!).. but apparently, we might have a mini-class reunion, which might actually be fun. Ran into Sandy, Tiffany & Jason over break and we all hung out -- it was fun and we decided to do it again over Christmas break. Might even see Tony. Wierd?
Anyway, got to balance lots of work & social-ness.
Today, Pancake is 6 months old!