The Vanity of Humanity

Apr 17, 2008 15:47

    Disease, cancer, decrepitude, ineptitude, etc. All the wonderful things we have to look forward to in our old age. Once we hit the grand sixty year old mark, it doesn't matter how hard you struggle. You will roll all the way back downhill much faster than you climbed it. There's no getting around it. It is only natural. Or, as natural as could be, given our unique circumstances.
    For the most part, modern humans have a much longer life span than most animals. This, on the other hand, is unnatural. Humans are not special in this world. Why should we be? Most creatures have been here an awful lot longer than we have. But we are the most vain of any race that, most likely, will ever exist. We are determined to live forever.
    In our later years, our bodies start to fail. Why? Because we are not meant to live that long. Our purpose in life is to be born, better the world, create new beings, and to die. This can be accomplished in under thirty years, even for procrastinators. But, no. We fear death so much, we stretch out our suffering artificially. We have medicines, procedures, operations, programs, etc to lengthen our lives. These crutches are doing little more than making an embarrassment of us.
    Many, many people complain for many, many hours about things such as, I don't know, overpopulation. Because they're fools. It's our fault that the world is so overpopulated. They'll gladly denounce unprotected sex and couples having multiple kids. But suggest to them that they give up medical treatment to die a natural death to help their own cause? Think about it. What do you think they would tell you to go do to yourself?
    Many people on their deathbed will tell you that they are ready to die. They have been ready for some time. This, maybe, is because they subconsciously know that their bodies were supposed to be fertilizer many years before. Think, when a man gets old, what does his body do? It begins to fall apart. Bones become brittle and break easily. The immune system begins to fail, leading to constant infections. The heart stops pumping with the gusto it should. The brain begins to rot, causing senility.
    Why, I ask, do we put ourselves through this? Why live such unhappy, restricted lives? Why not live life to the fullest, then pass on? Why live life...then be all but bedridden for several years?
    When a man cannot hold an erection without the assistance of pills, it is time to bid the world adieu. Make room for the next generation, it's their turn. And they will need the space.
    Cancer is a dreadful thing. But it's doing the work that we're no longer willing to do. We're too quick to fight the inevitable, because we're foolish. We needed an enemy that we couldn't beat. It's not pretty. It's not pleasant. It's not something to be happy about. It's life. Or lack thereof.

Love always;
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