oh how interesting life can be....

Dec 12, 2009 11:56

So two days ago I'm at work and my cell phone starts buzzing.... it's day care. Emily has a fever, and she turned around too fast and fell and hit her forehead on the bookshelf. Ok...... she's ok, they kissed the boo boo and she's feeling better. I pick her up, all is well. The next day, another phone call, Em has a fever again, and so we do take her to the doc who says "no biggee, just a virus." Today I get ANOTHER call, Emily has trying to reach for a book on the shelf and lost her balance and face planted into the bookshelf, cutting her tongue with her teeth. Luckily the tooth doesn't feel loose and an ice pack with some hugs and love made it all better.

But I swear, 11 months old and I'm already getting multiple calls about her injuring herself. She's her mother's child, I kid you not. I predict this now, I will get that "Emily fell off the monkey bars because she thought she could hang from her ankles and broke her arm" call.....

My new job is going fabulously. I am still making mistakes that are common with someone who has not done this job long, and I am still trying to accept the fact that sometimes I have patients who will bitch and moan no matter what I do to help them. The only thing is, the patients LOVE to bring us donuts and other sugary bits of goodness. I really thought I was going to escape my bad eating habits from being on the road, but not so..... sheesh.

We took Em yesterday to the Bass Pro Shop to have her picture taken with Santa. Thank god the pic was free, because she wailed and screamed bloody murder. I guess trying to force her to sit on the lap of a big man with a red suit and white beard wasn't the best idea! She at least looking adorable in her little red velvet dress and brown mary janes. I will post pics, I promise.

So today I don't have to work, no obligations, nothing. So I took advantage of Em napping to copy some new pictures onto my digital photo frame, since I haven't really done this since Em was born in January! Well I put my external memory drive into the fram which had pics and some songs I wanted to upload to my ipod later. Go figure, the frame figured I needed a laugh so it began an impromptu slide show of my new pics to the tune of Young MC's "Bust a Move"..... hilarious to say the least ;)

I am really getting into the Christmas spirit, and I love this feeling. It seems to take the place of all the things I worry or fret about, at least for a temporary period of time. Today I plan on baking cookies (gingerbread, and gingersnaps). We're hoping to get over to Adam and Morgans to decorate gingerbread men. Also we attempted to take our Christmas photo for our cards (which it is debatable on if I'll get these out in time!). We made the smart decision to have the picture just be Emily and Cooper, but getting them both to sit still at the same time was hilarious to watch (imagine this..... Tom holding the camera, me going "Cooper, sit..... no Emily come back, ok Emily stay put.... Cooper! Cooper! Come here!").....

This upcoming week is the week of parties! I have 2 Christmas parties to attend, including a cookie exchange (Yummmmmm), and then Saturday Erin and I are taking Emily back to DE to see family, which should be a blast. I think Tom will be also thrilled at the idea of getting to dog sit and watch sports on TV ;)

Ok let me upload the new pics before Em wakes up!

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