Jan 02, 2008 22:47
This is one of those times where repeating is something that necessary.
I’ve said this once and I’ll say this again,
Do not marry outside of your social [and financial class]. Do not engage in romantic relationship with someone outside of your social status.
Some people come into your life for a lifetime, and some come in for a season. You have to know which is which. And you are always going to mess up when you mix them season people with life time expectation. They have people who are married, with people they were only supposed to be with for a season. And they are wondering why they have so much hell with this person in their life. That was the person who was supposes to come and teach one thing. You did not know it, so fell in love and now you are wondering why you have no peace everywhere you go. I put everyone who comes into my life in a category like n a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blow they are over here, they are unstable. The blow the other way, now they are over here, ain’t nothing about them change. Most people in the world are like that, they are there to take from the tree. However, you cannot be mad at people like that, that is just who they are. They are never going to be nothing, but to be what they are, a leaf. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with them branches because they will fool you. They will make you think they are their fiend, but the minute you step off, they will break and leave high and dry. But if you find those two or three people who are the like the root in your tree, then you are bless, because that is the people who are not going anywhere. They are not worried about being seen; do not know one that they have to know you and/or what they are doing for. However if it was not for those roots in the room that tree could not live.
You understand?
And a tree could have a hundred branches, but only a few roots at the bottom. To make sure it gets everything it needs. I am telling all of you, especially those who are set for life. When you get some roots hold on to them.