(no subject)

Nov 01, 2004 23:08

Name:: Kimberly Ann Sweet
Age:: 17
Gender:: Female
Birthday:: aprill 11 1987 (4-11-87... it rhymes, haah im a dork)
Nationality:: scottish and irish, my dad likes to pretend were german too- but im pretty sure hes making that up
Hair colour:: brown
Hair style:: it doesnt have a style, no matter how hard i try its always a mess
eye colour:: greeen
Skin colour:: white
Height:: 5 ft 11 1/4 inches
Piercings:: my ears
Usually Wears:: jeans and a sweatshirt-i do try n match the colors tho... but sometime me n my matching can go overboard lol
Positive personality traits:: i dont like hurting ppls feelings (wow that sounds incredibly corny)
Non-positive personality traits:: indecisive
Likes:: my friends, malek, magic 1067, food, being tall
Dislikes:: being crippled
Fears:: bees, spiders, things that jump out at you, being alone, and sometimes the dark
.Family Life.
Lives with:: my mom, dad and 2 brothers
Sibling(s):: joe (15) and matt (13)
Pet(s):: rico the dog (yes shes named after the pizza place) and trixie the cat
Relationship with family:: i love them to death
:: a dream is a wish your heart makes ::
Your initials spell out: KAS
Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?: yes and it DIED! oh no!
Do you eat Goldfish?: no. what kind of question is this?!
Your favourite birthday memory: idk i always have good bdays, maybe my surprise party...
Moment you're most proud of: i have no idea
Moment you're most ashamed of: i cant really remember one but im sure there have been plenty
Non-celebrity crush: malek
:: fill in the blanks ::
Pirates are: awesome! arggh
Don't be fooled by: drug dealers?
I'm too sexy for my: crutches, ooyea
Courtney Love is: disgusting
I'd like another: closet, or maybe a cat- i cant decide
I don't understand: calculus ughh
Where have all the good people: gone (sorry raychel i stole ur answer)
Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.: i think its weird that my last name is an actual word
Girls are: nice to ur face
Boys are: grrrrrreat (yes malek that would be referring to you)
Only the _______ survive: strong... darwin anyone?
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes i do
Whats his/her name?: malek
Whats one word you could think of to describe them?: amazing
Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?: take care of me since im a cripple
If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?:i guess i dont have to answer this one
Fav movie?: dirty dancing
Fav person you know?: ooh dont make me choose, i think its btw 3 ppl tho (are you one of them?)
Fav food and drink?: diet pepsi and pepperjack cheese... thats my most favorite snack ever!
Fav shirt you own?: prolly one of them that says sweet or kimpossible haha
Fav place you've been to?: florida- but then again ive never left the east coat
Fav colors?: blue and pink
Fav place to be?: its who ur with that matters
Fav store?: id have to say TJMaxx cuz i get a discount
Fav tv show: OC-yea thursday, im so excited. OC Party!
Fav song?: anything the would qualified to be played on magic
Pepsi or coke?: diet pepsi
Chocolate or vanilla?: it depends...
Internet or phone?: it depends...
McDonalds or Burger King?: mcdonalds
Eminem or 50 cent?: eminem
Make up or no make up?: no make up
Cat or dog?: i love both my animals!
Spanish or French?: spanish obviously
Lights on or lights off?: off
Hungry or full?: hungry
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: hot chocolate
---are y0u---
Suicidal?: nope
Stubborn?: haah yes
Open-minded?: in some aspects
Arrogant?: yes
Patient?: are u kidding? not at all!
Hyper?: is there purple involved?
Nice?: usually
Happy?: yeah
Depressed?: nah
---wh0 d0 y0u want t0---
Fuck?: malek once he resolves his jar difficulties
Kiss?: malek againn,parallelograms?
Hurt?: that girl from natick who hurt my ankle
Beat the shit out of?: no1 really
Kill?:bill, i always wanted to see that movie
---with the 0pp0site sex---
Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: it was blue but now its brown, lol
Hair color?: brown
Curly or straight?: straight
Tall or short?: taller then me
Pale tan or in the middle?: well im wicked white so prolly the same so i dont look incredibly out of place
---w0uld y0u---
Shave your head for $1000?: not a chance
Cheat on your bf/gf?: never
Eat a bug?: ewww no
on fear factor?: no- isnt that practically the same question?
Kill yourself?: nope
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: nope
Turn goth?: lol have u seen my outfits? theyre like all pink and sparkly
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: yeah, this question is retarded. why wouldnt u?
---have y0u ever---
Gone skinny dipping?: not yet
Had sex?: nope
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: ohhyess
Funniest?: ur all hilarious
Stupidest?: since every1 else seemed to put me for this one, im not quite sure what to say
Nicest?: lol im skipping this one
Best looking?: malek, you win again
Craziest?: candace or gina

done... FINALLY!
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