
Jun 22, 2006 20:50

Now that Ive had time to cool down a bit about the subject I can write about it. So I was informed last week I needed to escort Tyler on any fieldtrips this summer at his day camp. This all coming from the fact they lost him at the zoo over spring break and he wanders off when they go to the restroom at school. At first I was a willing to work with them till I started to think, they lost my kid and he gets punished. After a few days I was a little upset. By monday I knew something had to be done. I contacted the sight supervisor and wanted an explanation. I didnt think it was fair he be punished all summer long for this. She explained the teachers had many cases were Tyler wandered off on bathroom trips. How can you let a kid wander off if your watching them? She wanted to work out were Tyler would stay back with the preschoolers for the field trip days. I got the list of all the trips later on that day. Well almost every single day he attends wed-fri there was a field trip. That meant Tyler would be at the center with the preschoolers watching his friend go off to different trips. This was not ok with me! She proceeds to tell me he has the signs of ADD, like her son, and I should get him tested so we can get him medicated because if I dont hell fall way behind in school. Mind you this women spends minimal amounts of time with him. That went on for about five min.
I had Tyler's first kindergarten teacher hint to me getting him tested , so I thought maybe I wasnt seeing something.( Tyler's first kindergarten teacher went on to retire out of the blue and the next seemed to have no problems with him.) This led me to frustration and tears for the rest of the day. After a while and talking to friends and my mom they reassured me there was nothing out of the ordinary about him.
My next step was to call the head office. The lady seemed a bit shocked by all the things she heard. She wasnt able to tell me much other then it was for his safety. I proceeded to tell her I cant do that to my son and I was going to have to pull him out for the summer. Luckily we have a friend that was wanting to make some extra money watching kids over the summer.
So we move on to today were my mom calls. My mom was going to have none of this and wanted all the reasons in writing for him not being able to attend field trips. She called the head lady. She soon finds out that never have they had to do this before to another kid . She didnt agree with it but had to support the teachers wishes.
So now I move on to his teacher. When we first enrolled him in the after school program he had this wonderful teacher. Since he had a hard time at school it was the only positive thing in his school life for a while. The only thing that kept me from yanking him from the school, which I did once. So she leaves for maternity leave and along comes this lady. Every single time we come to pick Tyler up hes either on a time out or she has something bad to say, Not to mention dirty looks are a dime a dozen..... errrr Im soooo over this situation!
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