Oct 03, 2005 12:15
Well let's see here....where to start....
I've been with Lover's Lane for about a month and a half now. I love it! It is simply an adventure every single day. I have lots of funny stories that I'll share in a minute. The only shitty thing that's happened at work lately is that my manager got fired. It was shady and underhanded....a total shock... frankly it was just a whole lot of bullshit. But, nothing we can or could do about it...
~ I had this about 70 year old man come into work and tell me that he had just had surgery on his scrotum and that his doctor recommended he get a penis pump. So I led him to the back wall, and showed him a few different pumps.... he finally decided on the one that vibrated.
...I just thought this was funny, because he was so comfortable telling me about his penis.
~ One day this woman comes in looking for a sex swing. I must have talked to this woman for about an hour or so, and during this time she told me all about her sex life AND her son's sex life! It was crazy! But the best part is this, she told me the reason that her and her husband needed the sex swing is because after regular sex he needed to use his oxygen tank (they were in their 60's)!
Bryan and I are doing great! We are both a little stressed...I'm not gonna lie....but dispite that we are going strong....almost 16 months! It's pretty exciting...knowing that our love is this strong!
Ugh....fuck school! I am so stressed out! I have 2 tests and a quiz this week! Plus I have to read like a million chapters in my textbooks! Plus, we had rush week and then we have homecoming this week... and then next week is the battle of the valleys week! It's just a lot to take in and deal with! I have to say that I feel as if I don't have time for school, or friends, or Bryan, or ME! I feel like my life is scheduled and if I miss even one thing my whole fucking world falls apart! I wish that I could be able to do everything I want to, and I wish I was fucking superwoman! But I'm NOT! And honestly, I hate that I'm not superwoman!
We have now added 13 pledges! And in 6 weeks we should be making each and everyone of them sisters!!! I'm so excited! It should be a good 6 weeks....
I am definitely going to be unavailable for many things during October! The entire month of October is blacked out at work... you can't take any days off because it is one of our busiest months! On the up side I get to wear costumes to work! :)
My month of November:
November 5: Becky Jean's baby shower!
November 7: Chou's 20th Birthday!
November 11: Delta Class Initiation!
November 17: 16 MONTHS FOR ME AND BRY!
November 23: Thanksgiving Break Starts!
November 27: MY 20TH BIRTHDAY!
I'll be taking many days off during November... but that's ok
Well I think that is enough for now.... time to shower and go to class!