Jun 30, 2003 00:54
today. i woke up, took a long shower(i think tiffany got me into longer showers. heh) then i went to church. i liked it. but then in the service i almost fell asleep. im telliin you it was boring during the acctually service. i like sunday school though! then..i got home and i was so tired and i didnt snap outa it from being in the church that i took a little nappie poo when i got home. i woke up around like, 5:30. i got ready to go to church but then my dad wouldnt take me. he was too stuck to the computer. so..i got ready for nothing, (all i did was brush my hair and slip on my shoes though) then, i watched a movie, at this time i cant remeber what it was though. i know i like the movie. heck.im gonna sit here until i figure it out, gimme a minute to think about it.gosh, i tryed thinking about it but i just cant. i know that 40 days and 40 nights came on after it though! i didnt watch it cause i went over to ethans house. it was fun... i ate a ham and cheese hot pocket and maccarroni! it was so good. i loved the gooey cheese! and i played with ethan, gosh, hes such a good kid. and i refuse to take their money to watch him while they're off doing other things so they gave me this offer. lol, its pretty funnie really. they said they will buy me foods that i love and it will always be there and i can come over and eat it anytime as my pay for just playing with this really good kid that i love to play with anyways. i always go over there and play with him and keep him occupied so they figured they would hire me. heh. and this doesnt start until like, i dunno late agust. cause the baby is going to be born like october and when shes getting big it will be hard to do stuff with ethan. so, its great. thats why i refuse to take the money cause shes(patricia) is helpless and she doesnt even work, shes gonna be there. just laying around though and trying to be a good mom. i just gotta vaccum when shes gettting big. easy peezy lemon sqeezy. i know. so yeah, that was my day. oh i came home from there at like 10 o'clock and i went in my room and watched tv. so..yeah