Nov 14, 2004 20:41
WOW! let me tell ya! This has been a busy busy busy weekend, and not too bad either I must say. Lets start from the beginning well maybe I will start from thursday just cause it was very funny from there!
Thursday ~ It was a so so so DAY! lol, I took a chemistry test....that wasnt too bad ( I PROLLY FAILED IT WITH FLYING COLORS! ) no doubt about that. Had accounting found out I made a 98 on the test, which ya know wouldnt really bother me but as anal as I am, I was pissed cause i was two points away from 100! I know I know "I'M SUCH A LOSER FOR THINKING LIKE THAT" but ya know what! I should have got a higher grade! its Accounting for goodness sake! lol anyways.....algebra was same old same old. U can never get tired of Mrs. Piskorz! lemme tell ya! We had a SAMOSA club meeting after school! and wow was it a BALL! lol we had a scavengar hunt which u know would have been an awesome activity, if only our group actually PLAYED the stupid game! lol! we had a funny group, Ziyad acting gay as usual (literally!) hahaha JUST KIDDING! no one had any energy to run, even our own bball player YEN! what an example lemme tell ya! YIKES! haha I wonder how the season is going to go! hehe....Mandeep came to our meeting! (I was really really happy!) he only found out I was indian the day we took the PSAT! haha that was soo cool. :) Then we were done with the, not really! Cause then, Shrad, Ziyad, Tendoori, and Rosy went out to our cars ( or so we thought ) we ended up talking for like an Hour! about absolutely nothing, thats like the best conversations to ever have! I really met some cool Desi's that I never even knew existed in this school, and I am soooo glad I went. If u are an indian and want to meet other cool asians ( like moi! ) come to this club its really WICKED! <= that's a good thing!
Friday ~ SO SO SO SO SO! hahahah yeah that pretty much sums it up! Took a History test which I most likely FLUNKED too! (I'll keep u posted on my grades, in case ur into calculating ur GPA against everyone elses! trust me u dont have much competition with me!) ummmm...StuCo was the same everyone getting together to do last minute stuff! loads and loads of fun lemme tell ya! :0) and FRANCAIS ( French ) we got to eat CHEESE! woo-hoo how freakin awesome was that? I'll tell u, WAY TOO FREAKIN AWESOME BABY! hahha wow too much enthusiasm for cheese! but I was excited about having it! hahaha.
SATURDAY~ This was the most interesting day! I had winter convention today! it would have been great if only i had actually woken up ON TIME! but no...the smart cookie as i am! I woke up at 7:40 when we were supposed to leave the school at 7:30! so my dad sped down the highway going 90 miles an hour! It was actually quite exciting! He was not going to let me live this down I swear. So we reached Samuel Clemens at 9:30, and not a minute later! I was right on time, in time to do the signing and dancing! it was great great fun! I love the songs! they are a true blast! hehe.
I also had to talk about the PB&J Bowl as one of our sessions. U know I am really glad I did it, because I am sooo incredibly afraid to talk to an audience that it was awesome and I had a BLAST doing it! I dont know if im good at it or not, but I had fun and I guess that's pretty much it. I also had some freshmen girls help me out, and you know in the beginning I thought they were really boring and stuff but they are pretty nice when u get to know them! But thats a whole 'nother story! I got home and it was a fun-filled day! hehe.
So there! That must have been a whole lot to read....and if u read this whole thing! WOW! You definately have nothign else to do, or just nosy about my life!!! haha just kidding....if u read this whole thing, please leave a comment! tell me what u think, feel, know, or just to say HI!