May 15, 2005 16:11

Man, this year has just flown by! I dont even know how its gone by (actually i do, PROM! haha) well, I would really really like to say some thank-You's that are going out to some really good friends of mine, and some cool kids (kids=goats!) haha jk. anyways. This is going to be a butt load, so I'm going to do it in Categories, find urs and then your name! Awesome, well here goes ......


Theresa ~ Your a really cool girlie. I know we've had a bumpy road in the beginning, but i think we hit it pretty smooth. We are closer then we were before which is totally awesome, I'm really happy that you were my V.P. and next year your PREZ! woo-hooo. haha.  Im positive your going to be great! I have a lot of  faith in you, and your a great person.

Maty ~ Just to start with... I HATE YOU! hahha... just kidding. Much love girl. Your like a firecracker, ya just burst into a ray of flashing color....okay yeah that was pretty corny. hehe. Your an awesome chica, and im glad that you were in the JCC. we got to know each other more, and also make fun of each other. Your really awesome, and Cool. I wish i was like ya. hahah!

Justin ~ Mr. J Money. haha It been quite a ride, on the coaster of muuullllaaaa... hahah. anyways, Im glad ur going to be in SCC next year so i'll see ya again. It'll be fun whoo-hooo! haha.

Alysa ~ Wow, I met you freshmen year in B-Ball, and now were going to be SENIORS! seems like such a long time ago. haha. Well, its been fun chillaxin (new word) with ya! I'm really happy we keep seeing each other, and really sticking tight! haha

Kristen ~ Your a real cool gal. You've got your head on straight, and im positive your going to go reallll far! No doubt!Next year is going to goo farr. SCC here we come! LOL. but no, I think we've gotten to know each other a little better which is awesome, and I'm real glad we did!

Megan ~ Hey, your a real funny person...haha funny looking! JK! your a cool gal. I'm glad u were in JCC, its been quite school-spirited. Ur fun to be around with and i think we've gotten to know each other quite well. (not like in a perverted sense! for all u people that are gross!)

Chris ~ hheeyy waasssuppp. haha Your a totally awesome dude. Im glad you were in JCC this year. I'ev had fun chillin with ya and getting to know you more! Its been real great!

Kim ~ HHeeyy chica ricka! haha Well, its been fun knowing ya. Even though u do drive me up a wall when u re-folded prom papers, because they weren't exactly under the word "please...." haha! But you are a fun to be around with, im glad you joined STUCO. and JCC. its been a real blast, and im proud of how far you've come! and thats reaaaalll farr. ahah JK!

Josh ~ Your cool. haha period!

Amanda ~ Heyy! I am too funny! you just dont have a sense of humor! haha JK! naw, but you are a fun gurl. Its been quite a long time since we've known each other i mean...we go waaaaay back. to like freshmen year! ahha. But its fun to be made fun of from you...NOT! haha. but then again i do it to you! haha and its alllll worth it! Im positive your going to make an HUGE impact next year with STUCO, no doubt! Your an awesome chica and hopefully I think at least, we've grown closer and hopefully, we'll make it through! haha

Matt ~ Wow! its been a looongg 3 years! haha Just Kidding! But, on a serious note... You are a great guy (despite what some might say, haha) I tried hard this year to be a good president, but i know i could never fit into your shoes. You've got everything goin' for ya! I'm glad you were still a part of JCC, didnt leave me out to dry, lol. Its been fun learning the ropes, and im just glad i got the oppurtunity to get to know you better ( i think so at least). And thanx for all the great mean things you've said about me, what can i say...your just too funny. *snicker* haha. You are a cool guy, and i hope will still be friends next yr!

Well, i know this has been quite a year! I am soo grateful for each and every one of yall. Its like a great big bunch of smart and awesome kids all rolled into a club of smart and funny kids! hahaha. I love each an' everyone of yall. I hope i did a good job, sorry i was always worried, and spazzing out and freaking out about prolly nothing at all. But, im just glad yall were my council. I know i had a lot of downns, but i thought prom was toootaly fun, and everyone liked it. I thank allll of you!


Kim ~ You are like tha chica of the century! haha. Your such an awesome president, and the business academy would be absoluetly nothing without you! i have no doubt about that. You bring the -ty to party. haha I'll bring the PAR-! hah. I have had suuch a blast with just hanging out with you, and really ya know getting to know each other more than what we already know of each other. I am soo glad i have one more year with you. NEXT YEAR is going to be sooooooo KICK-ASS!

Nadia ~ What up gurl! I know we just got to know each other this year, and i am soo grateful for that. You are likethe boricqua of them sp? correctly? haha. You are a great gal, and im sad ur not going to be with us next year, but i sure do wish you all the best.

Kimmy ~ Gurl, you are sooo muh budddd. haha I love ya to death, you are so much fun and so fun to hang out with! I love ur smiles and hugs, they bring a smile to my face! haha. I am so glad we all have each other next year cause its going to be heella good! I love ya sooo much!


Caylaa Pinyata ~ haha, I love ya soo much. Its soo much fun making fun of ya! haha jk jk. I love our car rides and "backing that thang" hahah. Your a load of fun, and Im glad we have french together! annndd your my VP!!! whoot whoot

Jessica ~ HHHHEY chica! ur such a blast, and i cant wait for next year! all of our totally cool moments!

Uri ~ hmmm....your just URI! haha

Adam ~ .......

Well....thats prolly the longest entry i have ever written in my life. hahah. I hope you liked it. :)

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