a nice pleasant and (relatively) quiet easter.

Mar 31, 2005 00:12

Easter went nice and peacefully.
I spent the sunday enjoying movies with the family. And fortunately the neighbours didn't act up (much). That was the bad news from last post really. The neighbours were on the warpath by being complete jerks, and unfortunately unbenouns (is this a word?) to us the police had actually sanctioned it. Never mind the loud music till 3-5am in the morning or the heckling or the urinating on the front lawns or anything. We, the quiet ones who ring the police and complain are the ones in the wrong. Well, our local police, compliments to something else completely are now in the dog-house and are doing a huge P.R. thing to try and bolster the communities confidence in them. (basically they stuffed up BIG TIME and are doing anything to make amends). The ammusing thing about this is, the neighbours have gone very quiet of late. Funny about that, huh? This includes a party they were bragging they would have which seems ... to have been mysteriously canceled.
Well, asides from minor short-term incidents all seems to be settling down. And my sleeping habits are returning to normal. I had a nice easter though.

My work has finished, starting on something new in a few days. Shame, I really enjoyed making clothes. But not to worry, I learnt a little this and a little that. And I've been enjoying my time spent working on those infamous Jester Hats. Amazingly enough, I've greatly improved on my initial designs too.
I had one in the final stages of being finished when I did a boo-boo though. Was silly of me, I should have known the fabric I had on hand may not stretch as needed. But no biggie as I can pick it and fix it!
Oh yeah, I got oodles of new colours too! Purples, and red's and such. *swoons*
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