Jan 28, 2004 14:27
well my honors fst midterm went well
yeah i looked at each problem as thow i were a kindergardener that never learned one peice of math
im fine in calss i have a high B but u give me a big test and i freak
i hate this its gona pull my grade down so much
i cant study for stuff like that i try but it gets me no where
it made me feel so stupid
history wasnt bad i prob got a B+ or so i hope
really icy this morning on the roads and my dad didnt want my mom driving so i had to go to school 30 minutes early, and wait it was gay, when he went to work.
mom picked me up went home for five minutes then annie came and got me cus we werent sure if featured dancers were included in having to be at the full cast rehersal today. . . lucky us we didnt so we went out to get some cheap non expensive Wendys food =)
but now my tummy hurts and i feel quizy
Katie and Adam called cus they didnt have school and wanted me to go sleding with them but i have my bio midterm tomorrow and it's just to far to go for an hour or so of sleding and i dont feel good so maybe another time. . .the kid inside is yelling at me cus i turned down sleding for studying for bio
whats wrong with me?!
thats enough nonsense for now
later <3