Aug 14, 2011 21:23
Hey y'all! I'm getting back into the community right now, so please bear with me while I try to make graphics that suck and all that nice stuff. I don't think I've opened Photoshop in awhile ):
Anyway, this LJ is semi-friends only. The reason is because, the whole point of blogging is to make things public, right?
But I'm not completely amenable to complete strangers or school friends being able to read some of my more private thoughts. That's why some entries will be locked.
I am, however, willing to make new friends! It'd help to have some common interests, like a love for Death Note or bears - but that's not required. It'd be nice if you told me how you stumbled upon me, or if we have any friends in common. Also, please be willing to put up with both bitchy, meaningless rants and rants that actually prove a point. Go ahead and leave a comment if you'd like to be a friend! (Comments are screened, by the way.)
Good day to you!
semi-friends only