this week has been nothing but drama

Feb 10, 2005 18:39

Ok so this week has totaly sucked. so i found out that so many people hate me just because i hang out with matt all the time. HELLO He is my best friend. i dont like him like that HELLO if you all only knew everything then you wouldnt talk shit. and plus the only reason that matt goes to the games is becaseu i REALLY REALLY want to go> hehe> most know why. anyway i dont know im just pissed at the whole situation. ok so i came home today i was so stressed out that i got a migrane IT SUCKED SO BAD. anyway then i come home and get bitched at by my dad and i stood up to him and he got pissed and told me to get away from him and i went up to my room and i havent spooken to him in like 2 hours. NITE!
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