(no subject)

Mar 17, 2003 18:52

in order to read my entries correctly you need to download the font BM mini
this journal is another friends only journal; i am currently happy with my friends list; unless you want to make me happier you can comment on this entry and tell me you want to me added. do not add me first though; i will not add you back most likely because thats retarded that you just decided woo pretty layout let me add her. no that's not how it works this time. i am not going to make layouts, icons, graphics for anyone i do not know personally and it's because i never get credit. i do comment a lot on your entries and i expect the same. i do not want friends who post excessive amounts of quiz', meme's and other things. i don't like to read those. i am not ghetto; so do not add me if you are. i am not illiterate so do not add me if you've dropped out of school; ie before 10th grade. i do not do drugs; i don't care if you do but don't base your whole journal around how high you get 24/7 that's just gay. i do respect your entries i will not leave rude comments because i'm not that kind of person; however if you leave one on my journal i will automatically unadd you; keep your rude comments to yourself. i do like new friends; however if your journal is boring or i you just want to add me so i'll make you a new layout; consider yourself not welcome. i will not update everyday because i do have a life; and if i update i expect you to comment because i'd do the same for you. i do write some private things in here so if you go to notre dame high school in nj + aren't one of my best friends then just leave now because there is no way in hell you are reading this journal. i do bad mouth people in here and i say what's on my mind because this is my journal and i can; if you dispute that then you can just leave also. now if you understand those circumstances you may comment and await my response. +ashie <3
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