Oct 25, 2005 11:30
Last Saterday I went to Perugia for their chocolate festival, which was amazing… I have the pictures posted on my MSN space… it was soooo chocolaty it was crazy I plan on going back next year. Yesterday was a pretty hard day with the hurricane looming over Florida making me feel quite hopeless… luckily I was able to buy phone cards and spent a lot of time calling my parents and Kevin (my man)… I think its moments like those where I realized how much I miss him and just wanted to be with him and take care of him. I could hear over the phone the wind and debris hitting his apartment… and he’s pretty high up there (16th floor) at some point I even heard a window blow out at his apt… and I know he tried to sound relaxed but its his second hurricane in florida and I could tell he was a bit worried… I think when I get home today I will do a quick call and check up on everyone… I wish I could be home.