May 27, 2005 18:28
I never thought this day was gonna actually come...never...Franklin is gone...He's ofically left school...and I dont know what to happy that he's moving so he dosent have to deal with his neighbor or be sad because I'm gonna miss him like crazy. He was such a good friend.We really got close and he told me things he said he couldnt even tell Justin. He said I was the only one he could talk to...I cant forget him..I never will. So the entire day I felt like I was about to break down and English class, last period the bell rang...and tears streamed down my face...I'm not a baby..I'm just gonna miss him..Me and Caitilin and Afton just started crying...And I couldn't stop.. I know other people are gonna miss him too...but they don't know the other side to Franklin that I do... Justin and Dylan and Steve, they dont know him like I do...and I was really close to him..I am gonna miss him soo much. So when we were leaving..Chels, grabbed me and I ran into the wall and cracked my toe. Yeap, so now it's am I going to play lacrosse now? Ahh ...I had to walk home by myself because Chels went with Nurhan and Lydia...It was horrible I was limping home the enitre time..Then I got home..and started crying like crazy..I dont know why..I just had a horrible day...My toe is broken, doing bad in math, cant play lacrosse, drama, and Franklin is leaving ....I dont know how to deal with it...I guess day by day...I know everybody heard about the drama at lunch and what happened, I'm not gonna explain it becuase frankly its not your buisness and I just want to leave it at that...I just want to say a few things to people:
Nurhan ♥ - Baby, thank you so much for being there and holding me while I cried..thanks for caring...I love you so much, you're the best...always n forever. s4l*
Nam- I'm gonna miss Franklin too, I'm here if you need to sucks to have him leave cuz he really was a great person...
Stephanie* thanks for being there while I cried...sorry to make you almost cry too. haha.. I'm so glad you're going to the camp..we're gona have the best time ever..lyl
Amanda-babe thanks for being there at 2'oclock when the tears started coming..your great..
Maria- hun, thank you so much for're the best ever..and you always make me feel better cuz your my mommy.(lyl.haha)
Justin,Steve- I know what you're going through..and I'm always here...
Dylan- you're such a great friend, it was so nice of you to do that for Franklin, and know that me and Nurhan always got your back. cant wait for tomrrow. ly
Chels- hun, i'm here if you gotta talk..I'm going through the same thing and I'm never gona leave your side. bf4l
*Thanks to all those who cried with me (Caitlin/Afton) those who were there while I cried (Nurhan/Amanda/Steph/Maria) and those who will be going through the same pain as me especially (Dylan/Justin/Steve/Chels/Nam/Caitlin)<--guys know that you're caring is forever treasured and I'll never forget how much you guys really do care..for those who are going thorugh the same thing...I'm here if you need to talk...I'm here to cry with you,laugh with you,be angry with you....just be there with you..we're all sharing the same pain..and we're all gonna miss him..becuase Franklin is like no other..he's TANKLIN.and I think that explains it all
♥ please help me get thorugh this..i need your help ♥