I'm back, yet again. Left for the beach last Wednesday and got back on Sunday. That was pretty fun, I like my cousins better when its not just me having to watch them and having the sole responsibility of keeping them happy.
But Gulf Shores was great, built an enormous sand castle (as usual), I tanned a lot, did a lil shopping, swam a bunch, and was kept up later than everyone else every night by phone calls out on the balcony from someone I didnt expect to talk to. :-D
Babysat today, the kids are demons. Babysitting again on Wednesday. Was supposed to go to Baton Rouge tomorrow to see Rebekah and Austin, but those plans fell through. I hope hope hope I can get a trip to Vicksburg in before school starts, or maybe to the beach and meet up with certain people. Either that or I'll just have to wait for Labor Day. Oh well, we'll see...
1. name: Lauren Nicole Fogarty2. single or taken: taken 3.sex: SURE...i mean, female...i knew that4. birthday: December 30, 19876. siblings: sister: Renee (Chibi, Nay Nay or many variations of that) 14, Jason (Lil Man) 97. hair color: brown8. eye color: brown9. shoe size: 7 1/2-ish10. height: 5'8.25"r e l a t i o n s h i p s1. who are your best friends?: Tim, Justin, Melissa, Matt, Taja, Rachel
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes I do, long distance, but hey, sometimes stuff isnt what you expected. f a s h i o n | s t u f f1. where is your favorite place to shop: Depends on what I want, of course, but I like looking all over and going in kinda random cutesy teen girl stores that I've never heard of before and getting cute stuff.
2.any tattoos or piercings: ears, one in each. s p e c i f i c s1. do you do drugs?: not that I know of
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Sauve, Biolage. I switch around3. what are you most scared of?: Being trapped in water, unable to get out and drowning (worst way to die, in my opinion)5. who is the last person that called you?: Porter, last night...in that thunderstorm in his basement....oh im sorry, Ill get back to the quiz now...6. whatever happened to the sixth question...?: I really dont get this...I just dont, am I missing something? was it from some movie I didnt see?7. how many buddies are online right now?: 17 in the buddies part and 3 in the SAME ppl part, so that makes 20.8. what would you change about yourself?: My inability to react spontaneously upon my gut feeling, and my lack of understand ing of what goes on in my own head/heart. f a v o r i t e s1. color: PINK! and PURPLE comes in second. 2. food: ya know, I never really could answer this question well. I do LOVE my King Cake tho. Maybe its just cuz i can only eat it at one time of the year. Maybe otherwise I would get sick of it, idk. Crawfish I love love love too. Maybe for the same reason as king cake, but also cuz eatin crawfish always means theres a party and stuff and I get to see my family and eat more than anyone else there. But I do love cheesecake too...okay, just dont get me started on food please...3. boys names: Joshua4. girls names: Alexis, Scarlett, Anastasia, and probably quite a few more.5. subjects in school: Math, Social Studies and FRENCH6. animals: this was also another question I always found hard to answer...why should we pick among favorite animals, do we also have to pick our favorite nationality of people on the earth? silly society...7. sports to watch: Baseball, no ifs and or buts about it. Actually, there are butts about it ;) the tight pants are just a plus. But really I love love love baseball, cant play if my life depended on it, but I love the game. Yankees fan, Braves suck, just get over it. I love to watch baseball, but I much prefer to watch it like in a stadium, not on TV. I like being able to look at what I want to look at on the field.h a v e | y o u | e v e r1. given anyone a bath?: 1-I just dont understand the randomness of this question 2-I guess so, but like for my brother when he was a baby maybe, but i was like 7 or 8 and prob just got in my moms way while i tried to wash him instead of actually helping. 2. smoked?: no way. smoking is my ultimate pet peeve. Dont care if I insult anyone by that. I just cant stand it. end of story. case closed.3. bungee jumped?: nope, but I dont really have the desire to either
4. made yourself throw up?:well, if we listen to Chibi's story, then I am buhlemic (and she is anorexic). But besides that, no I dont think so...except for that time with the tooth brush accident...but that wasnt on purpose, so w/e
5. skinny dipped?: realy skinny dipping, nope, but i may have forgotten my bathing suit before and went swimming at me grandmas when i was like..ya know...3. but I'm not ruling out that one ;)6: ever been in love?: IN love...I dont think so.
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: not that i can recall...8. pictured your crush naked?: I suppose so...
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nooo10. cried when someone died?: yes...11. lied: of course...sometimes i regret it, most of it was stupid...but that night never happened.
12. fallen for your best friend?: you say that like its a bad thing! but the answer is yes. 13. been rejected?: yea, I guess you could call it that14. rejected someone?: yes15. used someone?: I think so...16. done something you regret?: that and the lack of doing something and regretting thatc u r r e n t1.clothes: pink pj's and my robe...i love my robe...and do my glasses count?2.music: nothing right now, I dont usually listen to music while on the computer. If I'm in my room, then its usually country. Current Favorite song: Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss~ Whiskey Lullaby3.make-up: none rite now, im about to go to sleep! but I have noticed im wearing makeup less often than usual. I dont freak out about gettin all dolled up everywhere I go. But I do like putting on makeup if I have a reason to. 4.annoyance: those damn kids I have to babysit for...still buggin me and I got home 7 hours ago from their house!5.smell: cookies...maybe i should go put those away, oh well, in a few minutes. 6.desktop picture: OOO im sooo glad you asked! it goes with the whole theme of my computer. Its a pretty pink thing with Cinderella clip art, and that matches the screensaver w/ all of my disney princesses (also pink background). And i have all kinds of cutesy lil stuff on my computer like that (annoys the hell out of my brother). If this were my own computer, it would probably be Orlando, but ya know how it goes...7.book you're reading: Im ALWAYS in the middle of a book. Currently Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Then Im gonna read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I started rereading the whole HP series over again. I got a lil depressed at one point, and the books help comfort me. Then I will either start reading The Grapes of Wrath or For Whom the Bell Tolls or LOTR: TTT then ROTK. yea...i have a long book list lined up...I know, I'm a book nerd...8. in cd player: My CD player is in my room. Dont know if it has a CD in it, I really prefer my radio. But it may have Kelly Clarkson in it, unless my sister changed it. l a s t | p e r s o nyou touched: touched? Renee I think...or maybe my momyou hugged: does a lil girl hanging onto your leg screaming count..no...then i think its probably my grandma or grandpa when I saw them yesterday.you imed: at this very moment, Timmy, but anytime during this quiz...it could be Justin, Tim, Mike, Lexie, Windsor, or Jessica you yelled at: Those kids I babysat today. a r e | y o uunderstanding: I try to be, and I think I am...open-minded: again, I try to be, and I think I usually am, unless its something that I feel very strongly about. arrogant: I dont think so...insecure: yea, i think so. I tend to put up a wall just in case for stuff. interesting: well, that depends. I guess I can be, or people are really good liars to me. but i know flat out they dont enjoy rice stories...
random: of course, who isnt every once and a while?hungry: not at the moment...smart: yes, that is one thing I love to be, whether it be book smart or smartass. Call me a nerd if you want, but I love having intelligent ammo to throw at ppl. (like quoting lines from Shakespeare to your mother to shut her up)moody: I am a female, need I say more?hard working: yes, i am a perfectionist, over-achieving, workaholic. so shoot me. organized: I love to be organized, even tho I may not always be, if I'm not, it kills me, kills me like bad grammar does...healthy: quit harassing me for crying out loud! im trying! shy: I used to be a very shy person, but I think I've recently done some changing. difficult: oh yes, very much so.attractive: I guess so, people have told me I'm pretty.
bored easily: no...not really. If Im bored, I can usually find something to entertain myself, like reading.
messy: I guess I can be, dont like it, but it happensresponsible: depends on the situation, and if i want the responsibility. there are times when I dont, but I like feeling important, so I guess I do. obsessed: O(rlando)B(loom)sessed. but yes, if I find something I really like be it movie or book or whatever, I usually become completely infatuated with it. angry: oh yes, especially around my family, I can get really pissed off really fast. not so easily around my friends, but it does happen (and thus results the genie, head-shaky thing). w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n akill: kill? isnt that a lil harsh? why are you assuming I want to kill people?slap: I wish I could hit those lil kids, except I might get in trouble for child abuse, and i dont think it will stop them. get high with: I dont do that, but I think it would be pretty funny to watch some people get high, just to see what they do...look like: I dont know...Katie Holmes? but I've been told I do look like her.talk to offline: my camp buddies, just because I wont get to see them, but most especially Rebekah, Austin and Porter. talk to online: any of my friends, I love talking to people, as long as they can put up with me
r a n d o min the morning i am: actually quite awake, the sleepy thing doesnt hit me til later in the day. I'm slow to get ready, but I like taking my time. all i need is: gimme a HP book, or a good historical fiction novel (preferably about Mary and Elizabeth Tudor and Anne Boleyn), my music (preferably country, because some of those songs can really get to you) in my closet, and I am completely content. If I'm having a rough time, some chocolate makes the world much better. love is: here for us to enjoy, not fight with it. I dream about: real dreams like when I'm sleeping? I havent had any lately. But dreaming as in wishing for stuff, thats all for my own head. o p p o s i t e | s e xwhat do you notice first: I've noticed lately that the hair does it for me...and that hats will make my head turn...last person you slow danced with: Tim, at Sadies, I think. worst question to ask: to try to figure out WHY im feeling some way, or justification for my actions. i just dont know the answer to those questions. Live with it. makes you laugh the most: Justin, Tim, Portermakes you smile: same who do you have a crush on: crush...thats soooo third graded o | y o u | e v e rsit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: noo...not recently, actually....wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope "I enjoy being a girl!"~ scoobydoo2wish you were younger: yes, I do. I've realized that my youth years are slipping away so fast, and I wish I would have appreciated them sooner. cried because someone said something to you?: I dont know, I'm not really a crier, I guess you could say I did, but the last time I remember that happening when I really really cried was back in December. Unless you count my mom, for some reason, no matter how small the thing she says is, it triggers something inside of me. N u m b e rof times i have had my heart broken:eh, a fair few. of hearts i have broken: 1, maybe 2 but I fixed it up...?of girls ive kissed: uh, no girls, but 1 guy. of continents i have lived in: 1of tight friends: 4, tops. of cds i own: eh, about a dozen, but thats all kind of old stuff included too. of scars on my body: i dont know...i know i have one on my foot from falling down the stairs at a hotel last year, my sister thought i had hit my head, so that was pretty funny watching her freak out. At least the basket I was carrying to the van had pillows in it. F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s1. do you like fillings these out?: yea, why else would I be. 5. gold or silver: why not both?6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Anchorman, which was very very funny. But the one before that was The Notebook. That was a wonderfully sad and sweet movie, I loved every minute of it. 7. favorite cartoon/anime?: I love Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents, those shows are just great, really. 8. what did you have for breakfast this morning? toast, w/ cinnamon sugar
10. who would you love being locked in a room with? well, realistically, my boyfriend. If this quiz has magical powers, Orlando Bloom. 11. could you live without your computer?: I could live, but I would rather not have to. 12. would you color your hair? I guess I would, but its not something im interested in right now. I like being natural. 13. could you ever get off the computer? I could. But if I'm doing something, then let me be. 14. habla espanol? Por Favor Mantengase Alejado De Las Puertas15. how many people are on your buddy list? 42 on Friends, 12 on SAME ppl, so thats 54....wait a minute, thats all the ppl I have, oh well, I hardly talk to any of them anyway..
And that's the end of the quiz. Yes, I do ramble incessently a lot, so shoot me. Hope you enjoyed it!