Sep 29, 2003 14:00
alrighty so lets take a look at Minnesota Pro sports teams... Vikings ... awesome.... Twins... (twinkies)... awesome... Wild... pretty dang hot last season!... and i beileve that's it for the pro teams... i guess when you put a candle under their butts and say WIN DANG IT OR we'll TAKE YOUR TEAM!... i guess they learn to move it and kick some butt! ha! LOL.. anyway yeh i'm back to being a full fleged(sp?) Minnesota fan! and yes it helps that oklahoma doesnt have a pro sports team and i hate dallas and well... KC.. blah... it just doesnt work for me... i grew up too close to canada i guess my brain froze most of the time... anyway... I must say this week freakin worked me! 29 hours in 3 days ! yay for the money tho! :)
anyway... Must run... Got to go to work soooooon... Later gators!
p.s love ya sammy