(no subject)

Jan 01, 2006 23:13

You'd think people would have enough of silly love songs...
-- Moulin Rouge

I know I am...well maybe not? All these musicals (Yeah I know what you're thinking...) have just led me to the fact that well I truly, deeply believe there is that someone out there for everyone. Yeah musicals may draw it out a bit with all the lovey songs, but that's just part of the appeal. Yet, sometimes I don't believe it because how could a love like one in Moulin Rouge even exist? I haven't seen it. I don't believe anyone in my entire life has that in love. It's just a hope that I hope exists out there for everyone.

Love is a many splendid thing! Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.

Just hoping.

P.S. Could I really be more emo-ish tonight?
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