(no subject)

Apr 21, 2008 12:40

Today I'm in a good mood because I managed to find button-up shirts that fit me properly, instead of being either too loose and boxy or too tight and gaping. New clothes FTW!

Also I had a good weekend. Went to the Toronto FC home opener on Saturday; it was a gorgeous sunny afternoon, so I wouldn't have even cared about the score, but Toronto won, just to make it even better. Then afterwards I had a game of my own -- our final playoff game of the winter season, which we won, so we are CHAMPIONS BOO-YAH. (This is less impressive when you consider that we won every single game this season because all the other teams in our division sucked so hard, but whatever. Bring on the commemorative t-shirts.)

Then on Sunday there was more soccer: a scrimmage with my Friday team, as part of our pre-season training, because we are hard-core like that. Best part of that, from my perspective, was a perfect tackle on this hotshot on the other team. Ha. Worst part was the crazy drunk guy at the park who came over after we were finished and hit one of our players in the face for no apparent reason (unless craziness counts as a reason, that is). WTF. Things like that aren't suppose to happen in Riverdale, are they?

The only thing I didn't get to do this weekend was see my niece again. Booo. I have spoiling to do!

soccer, yay

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