Oct 19, 2009 04:59
I have to switch schools.
I think I need a new start.
I no longer care for the school i go to.
It unmotivates me.
Everyone seems like failure there.
It's almost contagious.
The kids interrupting class.
The teachers accepting it.
Kids texting in class.
Teachers accepting it.
Asking questions the teachers have answered a hundred times.
It makes me so mad.
I only need a few basic classes left to get my general for my AA.
The classes I've avoided.
I should have just taken the SAT's when I had the chance
I tried to cheat the system.
It came back to bite me, & bite me hard it did
I want to transfer, & I know since I did TERRIBLY in some classes for the past year
[I think I relapse from depressions/insomnia/EDNOS]
I can't concentrate
I want to go to LSCC with the grades that make me ME.
I want to go & become the amazing student I used to be & can be.
I want to study for my SATs so I can forget the basic classes.
Maybe this is the chance I needed. If I take a break Spring term.
If I take the SATs after studying.
IF I do UTTERLY amazing
Then I can go to LSCC do the actual college courses that aren't with the slackers.
I can do both terms & finish my degree by Fall or Summer...
I can transfer to any University I want.
As A psychology major.
As a Nurse minor
I think I found my salvation
Goal for next week, find steady job.
Save $$
Try to convinve for bday i want a tutor to help me prepare for SATs
I will study & do crazy volunteer hours & work full time.
I might do extra curricular courses at this point to raise my GPA.
study study study.
my life will consist of:
1-going to church
2-being the best student
3-raising GPA
4-Getting near perfect in SATs
5- 100+ Volunteer Hours
6- Gym- look perfect
7- Keep house/room clean/cook dinner
8- Movie date with boyfriend
9-Be a fairly good employee, not perfect, it's a job.. not a career